장음표시 사용
on Morus. Nos. 2437, 2447. On Oah. Nos. 2290, 2429.
Gregaria, immerSa, orbiculari S, ellipticave, plana; margine brunne0 ; diSeo pallid0-gris eo ; ascis cylindraceis; sporidiis fili
With tho habit os V. tetraptoa, but With smallor sporidia than
any other of the sulcate Species. Sporidia 005- 006 min. long, pale amber. No. 2426.
crlindraceis; Sporidiis uniseriatis, ellipticis, bruntiet S.
Sparsa. Peritheciis applanatis, epidormide nigrifacta tuetis; ascis breviter clavatis; sporidiis lanceolatis, quadrinucleatis, demum triseptatis, hyalinis, ad diSSepimentis conStrictis. Oti Smilaae. Asci Ahortly clavate, almost sacente; sporidia Sublanceolate, obtuse at the eXtremities, hJaline, 03- 035 κ '01-; endo-
Minuta, gregaria, epidermide tecta. ostiolis papillae formibus ;ascis clavatis; sporidiis ollipticis, acuminatis, bi SeriatiS, uni septatis, hyaliniS. On Nepeta cataria. Sporidia 02 X 008 min. , unis optate, but clearly not fully matur ed. Closely alliud io Sph. incommiscibilis, B. M. C. No. 2433.
Subgregaria. Perithodiis subglobosis, brunnuis, hinc illic sparso spinulo sis ; floccis ad basim radiantibus ; spores ellipticis, multi
With a seW rigid subulatu broWn hairs, equat in tength to the diameter of the perithecia. No. 2465.
a membrano, and in this state ammonia di Sorganifes them entii ely.
in certain Discomycetes, especialty in the PeZiZae, as Soon us the Stiores are produceti, aS I have Salii, there a re formed in the aseust vo Amalter nuclei, inste ad os One primitive nucleus. In a moreaduanc ed state W0 See four nuclei, then eight, alWayS Of the fame
production of these primary Spores, the Ovilines of Other neW Onesare frequently Seen, and bes ore maturi ty the ascias contains many sporos, nil of Whieli are in the sanae state os devolopinent. Atthis epoch os maturi ty only, the younger SporeS arrive at the fame degree os perseetness as the older One S. We do not See any nucleus appear, oithor in the aseus besore the formation of the spores, or in the spor0S themSolves, Whatever be their age. An analogous phenomenon Occui S in Elaphon ces granulatus. But here tho protoplasm is arranguit under the form os a thinparietat layer around Ono Or more large Vacuoles, So that the Spores are produced near the Wali os the ascias. Aecording to the observations os M. de Bary, the formation os
the sporos in Lichens, is, in ali their phases, precisely similar to the genesis of the Spores of the Ascomyceti; this is proved 0specialty bythis, that we aro ablo, at least in certain cases, to Observe in the asei the e Xistunce of a primary nucleus bosore the formation Os Spores.
According to my OWn speciat res uarches in P scia ciliaris L.), the primitive nucleus reatly eXisis, and is mund in the uppurportion of tho clavis rui ascus besoro the production Os the spores. Tho aseus is fillud With a protoplasm nearly uniform in densi ty, and p08Sesses a thicli and very turgescent Wall. The nucleus is
spherical, o specialty dense and refractive in iis iapper pari, as tho