Statuta Dioeceseos Pittsburgensis : in synodis dioecesanis lata, et prout nunc prostant promulgata in synodo dioecesana decima die 10 mensis Octobris, A.D. 1905 habita

발행: 1906년

분량: 151페이지


분류: 그리스도교


obligationem intelligere et obeservaturum. Si me Deus adjuvet et haec Sancta Dei I Vangelia.


ro promote uniformit discipline and ni the pastor in the tempora a finires of the Congregation the Plenary Ouncti Ao Baltimore have decreed that the Bishol may authorige Se U- erat orthy and prudent laymen to a Ct a a Churci Committee. 1. heia the is op cloes no appo in a Committee io uror more lay au XiliarieS, o Committe mera are tot elepte levery three 3 ear by the Congregation ironi a me prOPOSed

by the pastor of the Church. For each niember of the om-


mitte to e electe M two or three eligibi e person in At enominated by the paStor. I. The member of this Committe mi is have the writtenappro valis the ordinary that is, of the Bis Op of the Di OCese be fore the manenter lipon thera uties of thei ossipe, and can e remove by him irona osse forcius pati Se. 3. Any male member of the PariSh ove twenty-One earSo age is entille Dio a voto a Chureli meetings and eligitile to Serve RS a Committe mari provide line is an exemplairy Catholic has complied illi his aster tity, aid e rent. Orother is contribute reguliarly to the suppor of the paristi cluring the welve nio ulli preOecling the eleCtiora, elon S tono SeCreti forbidden oeiely, and cloes no neglectrio en his Children to catechism anu to a Catholic Chool here there is

4. It is the cluty of the Committe to eo Hoperate illi thepaStor, an to obe strictly the Statutes of the Dioces in alltempora busines of the pari Sh and a far a pOSSible, o RS- sume the labor o provid in the means o pay the debis an deXPen Se of the PRri Ah, Sothat the pastor may be abierio devote

himself hi est to the spiritua care of his lock.

an henoesortii illis ot be tolerateu.8. The Committe an pastor who is ex ossiolo resistento the Committee, an Treastirer of the fundes of the Church


should meet a leastino in three monilis in orde to go ver

paristi, a se forti in the form furnished by the hancello of the Diocese This annua statemen is to e signe by the Churci Committee which ill e et responsibi formis

0. Al deed or ille to Chureli properi must be held in the nam of the congregation by the i Shop a TruStee aCCordinito the forni approve for his Diocese. Se formo dee at the en of this arti cle).1 o. The Churph Committe Cauno malae an ne lawSor regulations for the paristi ithout theanowledge an Consent of the Bishop. 1 I. The Committe and ali member of the Congregationmus underestand that the authori tyrio a me, invite or appotiatthe pastor of the Chureli determine hi salary, O to relatu orremove him pertain to the Bishop of the Diocese, rom homalone pri est repeive thei jurisdiction, place an ossice. 12. I belong to the paStor to appoin the organi St, SingerS, RCri Stan, bendie. Choo teacher, an ali supti personSas are employe in the service of the alia or of the Chiarch. 13. I any disagreementi dissiculi in temporalis spiritual flair aris belween the pastor an Committee, O anymenaberi member of the Congregation, hiCh the Cannot Aetile amiCably among them Aelves in aecorda nee illi the lawAof the Church the dispute is orae submitte to the Bisho in writing, an ali Ahal abide by his decision.


Facultates Dioecesios itis burgensis.

I. Celebrandi issam per unRm horam rite nuroram, et aliam poSt meridiem. Sine ministro, etiam A altare Sit raptum. Vel sine reliquiis a notorum et PraeSentibu haereti CiS SChismaticis infidelibus et XCommunicatis, si aliter Celebrari non poSSit. II. Benedicendi paramenta et alia ad saprifieiuna Missae 11OCOSSaria ubi non intervenit unctio RaCra et reconciliandi eCOlesia polluta S in CaRu neCeSSitatiS, etiam aqua ΟΠ benedicta ab EpisCOPO III. Deferendi Sanctissimum Sacramentum o Culte ad

infirmos illudque sine lumine retinendi, Si adsit periCulum saerilegii. IV. Singulis se undis feriis non impeditis, vel eis impeditis, die miliediate Sequenti, Celebrandi Missam de aequiem


in quoCumque altari etiam portatili, Cum privilegio indulgentiae plenariae pro defuncti per modum suffragii. V. Administrandi omnia sacramenta, Confirmatione et Ordine XCepti S. N. E. PraeCipimus autem omne Nostrae ditionis Confessarios Sub poena SuSpenSionis ipso facto incurrenda. Ut neque per SeipSo neque perinlio quOSCUnque, Sub quo-Cunque praeteXtu reCipiant ablata ex fidelibus occasione vel intuitu Confessionis sacramentali R ante in decursu vel post Confessionem vel ut tradant aut permittant ut alii qui unque tradant ChedulaS, UOCunque Preti appretiata aut emptas, quae admittant fideles ad Confessionem instituendam aut ad quaeCunque alia ARCTAmerata OCipienda. Ut recipiant et absolvant tum modo aliter sint dispositi omne R ConfeSSionem CCedentes etiam Si nudam Apheclulam exhibeant aut nullam eouniam solvant vel tradant in hunc finem. VI. Absolvendi et dispensandi in quaeumque Simonia injuncta aliqua eleemosmia vel poenitentia arbitrio dispen

VII. Absolvendi ab haeresi vel post Si a fide et a

res, iis eXCeptis qui deliquerint in locis ubi Sanctum ilicium

VIII. Absolvendi ab omnibus censuris 1 Bulla Apostolicae edi reservatis, Xoepta absolutione compli Cis in aliquo PECCAt Contra Sextum neque absolvere alea a saperdotem qui nefandi criminis sollieitationis reus fuerit vel qui Complicem absolvere attentaverit: b pei Sonam CujuSCumque SeXUS qui falso denuntiaverit sacerdotem de Solli Citatione vel mandanteS, On SulenteS. undente Ad OC Vel UOCumque modo ProCurante falSam CCusationem illos qui irretiti sunt Censura ab homine lata, vel qui Corani praepone a Calliolio aut magistratu Civili matrimonium Contrahant vel attentant: d illos qui divortio civili sejuncti ad nova transire Vota matrimonialia attentare audeant: e illo quoque qui matrimonium Cum divortiatis Contrahant vel attentant.


IX. Dispen Aaiuli quoad ordinu in Ani SuSceptoruni Xer- Citi uni in quibu Seianique irregularitatibues e XCepti illi quae proveniunt e bigamia vera vel honii Cidio voluntario, vel ex exercitio ordinis aut juriSilietionis dum qui e Sententia, Nobis prolata ab illis Suspenditur. X. Dispensandi et commutandi vota simplicia in alia pia OPer XCepti CaStitati perpetuae et illi quae in Communitate religi OS O mi RS Surit.

XI. Largiendi ter in anno Indulgentiam plenariam Contritis ConfeSSi a Saera Communione reiecti S. XII. Con edendi Indulgentiam Plenariam primo Conversis ab haeres atque etiam delibus quibuSCumque in arti-Cul mortis, Saltem contriti S A Confiteri non aleant.

XIII. Lucrandi tibi easdem Indulgenti aes. XIV. Dispensandi quoad matrimonia praeterita invalida,

inter Catholicos in tertio et quarto con Ranguinitaties et affinitati gradu simplici et mi X to tantun et in se undo tertio et Uni t mixti et in Seeundo Solo Cum ei qui a fidem Catholicam convertuntur et ira praefati CaSibu Prolem SuSCOPtRm

declarandi legitimum. XV. Dispensandi super impedimento publicae honestatis

ju Sti e sponSRlibu pro Veniente. XVI. Dispensandi super impedimento CriminiS, neutro tamen Conjugum noli in ante et reStituendi jus mi Squm

petendi debitum. XVII. Dispensandi in impedimento Cognationis Spiritualis praeterquam inter levantem et levatum. XVIII. N. B.-Hae vero dispensatione matrimonialeS Videli et I R. 5' 6'. 7R COHCedenda non sunt niSi Cum Clausula dummodo mulier rapta non fuerit vel Si rapta fuerit, in potestate raptori non exi fitat. Conoedendae autem sunt grati Omnino. XIX. Recitandi privatim legitima ConCUTTO Ut CRUSR.

Matutinum cum L audibus diei sequentis elapsi duabus horis post meridiem. XX. Recitandi Rosarium si Divinum officium ob aliquod legitimum impedimentum reCitare non URlORS.


numismata eisque applicandi indulgentia a S. Sede ConceR-sas Vide Con Balt. I. APPend. XXX. P. 3ψO. XXII. Erigendi in locis tuae parophiae vel miSSi OniS, Confraternitates . . . de Monte Carmel et Bonae Mortis, Cum applicatione omnium indulgentiarum et privilegiorum quae Summae Pontifice eisdem Confraternitatibus impertiti


XXIII. Faciendi tuam confessionem intra limite dioe-CeSeΟ ΝΟStrae apud quemlibet sacerdotem in alia dioecesi approbatum iisdem facultatibus ad lio illi concessis quibus tu ipse frueriS. XXIV. Alias autem facultates Si quae huCUS UO On

libro rationis accepti et expensi et inventarii ita perficere debet ut illo perfectos per Decanum vel elegatum SUCCOSSori tradere valeat Libelli pro reoeptis et XpenSi POCU Hiies VouCher an receipt - praeSto esse debent. Decani Ruralis vel Delegati est, ut aut per Se aut per viro expertOS, inquirat et examinet num libri tradendi sint ad normam Statutorum dioeceSanorum onScripti num quae inScribenda vere insoriptB sint inspiciat libello pro pepuniis recepti et expenSis inquirat de aere alieno quocum gravata sit Ecclesia, et de alii Aneeessarii S ut de bono ordine et veritate ipSi Constet. SaCerdOS SUCCOSSor vel Cum eCano, Vel antea libros rationis inspiciat examinetque informatione ueCOSSRriRS quaestionibus anteceSAori vel aedituis panditis nomen Suum tamquam fidem pro ei Sponden non apponat, SiCui ne DeCR-