장음표시 사용
1iu ii eo alii dono de veritate Constet Oninibu in honoordine ad finem perducti A Decanti Sinatio inina tan Rectori Ranteeedentis tani edituoruni Per PSO apponere. ReCtor SuC- cessor fidem pro rebus in libri ACripti Aponden S, nomen Suum subScribat.
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e the nilei signe Committee hereby Certi sy that we have examine the bove inanoia Repori and in it toamee illi the oueher an book of account in the and of the reasure of the Congregation. Committee
Absentia Sacerdotis 24. Absolutio a Reservatis, 1 et 43. Adjutores Parochi, Absentia 24 Salar. 31.
Aedificia Ecclesiastica, 28 Append. l. Aeditui, ualitates 83 Electio 30. iis inter eos et parochum 29
Alienigenae 24 Apostolatus Missionarius 50. Annua Repori, 3. Aspersio Aquae Ben. 45, App. 62. Bani, Mone in , 32. Baiana, 42 dispens 42 Ubi Proclam. 42. Baptismus, Ubi, 37 Infatit Acath. 37 Moribundorum, T. Beti edictio Puerperae 46 in Articulo Mori App. 63: Nuptialis, App. 4 Lap. Primarii 28. Binandi Facultas 38. Bona Ecclesiastica, 28 Jus Propriet. 29 Inventar. 30.
Cere non tale, 45. Cancellaria, l9. Candelae 38. Cantore S 46. Cathedrati Cum 49. Coemeteria 48. Colla re Rom. 25. Collationes Pastorale S 50. Commissio Seholarum 35. Commissio Aedificiorum 28. Communio PasCh. 23.
Concursus, 20-22. Confessionalia, 40. Confrater uitate Fovendae 28. Consultores Episcopi, 21. Curatores 29-30.
Desbis 3I App. 3. Deeds, 29: App. 83. Formis 84. Delinquentes in delictis 25. Elee uos na, Pro Missa, 39 in Administ. Sacr. 44. Eucharistia 37 App. 59.
Examen Juviorunt Sacerdotum 20 Magistrorum 35 Scholarum 35 Examinatores Synod. 20. Excommunicatio 41-43. Exequiae 48 App. 62. Expensa Ecelesiae 3l App. 3. Factilla se Dioeces anae, 85. Festorum observantia 38-39. Finan ei a State ment, early 32 App. l. Form o letters to the is hop, 69 - 90.
Indulgontiae, App. 63 Infantes Baptigandi, 37.
In Surance, sin 30. Iuventaria 30.
iudicia Ecclesiastica, 19. Jura Stolae 23. Juniores ne Clero, 20.