장음표시 사용
IThe Riphtis Translation is reserved.J
With a conflicti authoritios, the alternative Viem o adcubitu passag have been to the mos pari ignored, and tho interprotation hicli On consideration commend0Mitsoli has eo presente alone. A commonsens explanation o dissiculties has been attempted, With tho malles possibio se of tho technicalities of scholarshimand grammar. O much ha been translated, and los mould have been ii translation instoad
also, except rom Englisti, have been paringly Sed. Even the paratiotisma illi certain passage in the poem D Lucretius hiel charaetoris this Georgic
tion later, classes Vergil illi Cato an Varro plain practica writer o the fame subj cis as a standurdauthority, quote his Verses o suppor Viems of his ΟWn, and pay him the sincero tributo os imitatio byWritin in vorso inspiro b his divino xamplo a bookispo gardonini totallis What was antin to
petent to posth, though the might no recommendlii as a uide to the ritisti armor, at an rate testis to tho correcines of his observation o ruralmatior an his genuino acquaintanco illi tho dotalis of the hvsbandry practiso in his Wn times. More-over Vergil himself professos a practica objeci, and intho introduction to the poem involae AuguStu tostiare his own it for the hvsbandmon ignoranto tho truo path signaros iae , an to eli', lihe a Providorico, o guido them aright'. I Would nos then o an utinatural though doubiles an incomptoto account of tho motivo o the poem to suppos that Vergil, or an bre a countryman, an Sympathisin With the depresse condition o agricultur in Italy, horo the mea land-