Agamemnon [microform]

발행: 1905년

분량: 105페이지


분류: 미분류



usuali fosso ved by a fouith playina ligine cast calle Satyricdramas, Dorithe Satyri atterulant of Dionysos, Uthici originalty was a Ieadin pari in it): the whole fou bein cassed a tetralogy. The subject of the Satyri pla in this instanc is traditionalty recorde to have been iroteus. The Agamemnon relates the retur an inuriter of the hinc ille Crinae); in the secondplay the Choephoroe Orestes comes bach and lay liis moinerΚlytaemnestra the Vengeance); vhil in the hird, the Eumenides the matricide is relerae Doni in sumes vlio have pur- sue litui, an acquiue by divine interpositio besore the Areiopagos at Athens in Reconciliation) About the Proteus

The presumaiae division o paris is a lassovus in lae Ag



The actio of the pia in delati is as fosso usu Agamemnon has been absent for tenaeam at Troy mean vitile his xvis KIItaemnestra has levi rusing Argos no Myhenae, See note o line I), in conjunction vitia her Iove Aegisthos Thenetvs of the capture of ronis dati expdesed, and the planopens vitia the appearance of the night- vatchmanis the oof, vattingsas lae has been or a year ast for the beacon sire vllicli suo announc the victory Ulaile the watchnia is complaining of his troubles the fame fias aes out arulae goes t teli his inistress Prologue) The chorus enter and sing meanwhile the queen comes ut, an is seen lighting the altar tres and preparinisor a

a marst Aegisthus uomes forti and exulis an ustasti ai ves


AUOS . . . Spalce ostentimes to the vise of Agamemnon and tempte heri erit at theraret she would non of the fovi de , the fair lytaemnestra, sor he had a good underitanding. Moreove there vas viti her a minstret wlton the son fAtreus traiti charge a lae ventes Troy to have a care of

loohe not, an min hina of his xvii pro vem. So he went tolli lious to bear ille idino to the heplier of the eople. An strat itway Aegisthos contrive a cunning tremon Ilech e ut livent of the est me in the township an se an ambusti, and o the surther fide of the tali he hade prepare a ferat Then villi chario and hodies he wentrio bid to the seast Agamemnon, hepher of the eopter ut mitis thought were in his hean He brought hini up tocliis holis ali unxvittingit his doona, and when he had se ted hini, flexu litui, asine flayeth an Oxat he tali An non of the companyis Atreides veredest, nor

rosule meri os Aegisthos, but the were in killed in the ivuls.'


It wil be seen notisnly that si tale, as Aeschylus give it, scisserent in many particular frona the Homeri story, aut alSO that in the disserent passage of in Odysse disserent versionSseen to have been current; or at leas uris possibi to trace adeuelopment of the mythuS.

seast or auibusca te Aeschylus knows nosting the hiniis niuissed in a cloah an si abbed in a balli. An there is no batile f

THE DRAMA OF THE AGAMEMNON.Ηox sar Aeschylus vas solio vin current modifications in the Story, and lio v sardie himself modifled the tradition or dramaticpurpoSes, ve anno fuit teli nor is the subjectisne of great importance. It is of far greater interestri notice lamen Someos the potnis that contribute to the extraordinar impreMiveneSSof the poenam a xvori of art an a a drama. Os Aeschyliis style it is no nec Sar to a muta every reade xvii De iis beaut an po ver The principat characteristic of it are obviolisi iis dignity, iis Strength, and the bold-nes and wealth of iis imager ' and though thermare passages in the Agamemnon vhic are bare even in arenes it is grand; and o the ther han there are passages vhic for tendernessand pathos and pure poetic beaut are ninalched even in reeh. his explain a curious note at in bellinning os in Medicean



Another potnt is the marvellousio veris conception hown in the two leading figures Klytaemnestra and Kassandra, a i more fuit developed belo v in treatingis in character p. xiv). But the effect of the play is larget due o nocte element, xvhioli is quite independent of the gyandeur of the style, and thepo ver of presentin character. An this element is vliat venaa cali the moralising of the plot. In Homer xv liave merelya tale of savage ambitio an crinae. In Aeschylus xv have aliouse ainted vitii readsul vichednes in the past, id in Ieadinito nexu sin, and that to furitie retribution, ill the antityseenas haunte by a territ te late of oodshed Accordin tolli later tale, Pelops, the ancestor, flewmyrtilus by vliose id he won his bride Atreus and Thyestes, his sons, lex their teP-

tendendies of in Poet. Enger, Presam to Agamemnon.





asmassandra calis hina or, in the ough vernacular of the chorim,

dared to do. He is an effective sol to the queens speciali atthe verrend wliere Aegisthos hiluster and threatens ille Chorias, whom lytaemnestra treais vitii colu an distant scorn. irenes for the ain howlsis ines men thou an I ill mile thelio e an orde it eli. In his case, as in the queen's, ven-geance salven a the motive so his ploti Tho IVMohanan fornis an essective pening to in play, Willi



lament the wo that Helena caused There is a Fate on the


5. V. The Venetian Remitu ), in the libris of St. ari at

of xvorcis 1 et veen the ines), correcte the error an Supplied omission of the farsi hand adde the Argument an Draniatis Personae, an occasionali inserie a quer o a Conjecture atthe fide. The corrections of this vriter are important, a heevidenti revise the work of me scribe, comparin it vitii another S. lae vas moreover clearly a more learne and caressi person than the scribe me is quote alway a m.


Referenc is made in Nilli critica an explanator notes tolli Scholia, and it ill be convenient to explain brien both

vhat the are and in ivliat way the are avallabie. In the Medicea II S. by the fide of the texis are riuenconament in Greeli, calle Sese a The are in a mali biit

is vritte in ursime, that is in a tinning ii and in mali letters,two o more letters ein osten losely connecte an uight lycontracted. The Scholia re byra sisterent liandri uiat luctim ote the texi, and the authorities are agreed that the aremostly xvriuen, at the Same time acute texi, by the &ορθωτπor schola ivlio corrected the reor made in se ex by the prosessional scribe Their value consista, both sor ex and coinnient, inritiei in Thei explanations are osten wrong, buttite no tinfrequently contain valvabie insorination latina bach




The generat opinion is that the best of these Scholia contain, along vitii ther matter, fragments of learning bout Aeschylus vilici cathe traced hach to the early Alexandrine Scholars, and even illa sonae probabilit to Didymus called, froni his extraordinar capacit for xvorh, by the elegant nanae DXαλκόντερος, Copper-guis'), a great Alexandrine scholar of the siret centuryB. C., of the schoo of Aristarchus. It is lain, even alio vinisor the uncertaint of conjectures,

b Agamemnon separalely:-

I 8 8 Conington. 888 Vechlein Orestie . 185 Enger. In addition to the bove cor rections are occasionali quoted froni Auratus, Casaubon, caliger, obree, Heaui, Miragrave,

i. e. . and the later MSS. have ἀνάσσων, but Hermann cori ectedit to ἀνάσσων.

an error the fac is recorded thus line 6 -
