장음표시 사용
predicate, ' νω- and μυρέων ἐναντιωμάτων γέμει in logica1. o. Tno se uis modo ino urit is notrine predicat os a Rentenco, nas ita subjecti ne subiectistrine inunitivo i a m tantino in no
i cassed, is considere Las good.
b. R PREDICAT SUBSTANTTVR ποιουσι, καλουσι, καθιστασι, νω
pronoun, in in Samo numDer an gende a tne substantius orante dent.
a. euter Imonotiris are very non ista used ritu indeterininat a ieci: ossier attributives in tuis uae, are generali Preceded by in neuter artiete.
500. Apposition is of aoverit Icinda:
a. UDo relativo i au*ec os a senteneo, ita veri testes in pereones in antecedent: μετις, τομο λέγομεν ου .ho valiis. For exceptions a III 3. For auraetion, ineovoration, and o rpeculiariis os relativo sentences, Me 807 3.