장음표시 사용
quatae by an attributive relures in artiolo thus is alWaya placodie re in auxit illive.
eonnected Wit ita indeci, and nas in generia natum os an appositivo.vis substantivo useu may appear est mutata or euhou in articio, viru
B. VOCATIVE.543. ne person or ining addressed is put in in vocativo.
a Man Ore verba aro transitivo an solio vo by an objecti musatis nemine verus commoritv used to render them in Englis ara intra nive an solio vin bu a preposition:
ακην, γνώμην Ἀ M victoriova in a Mιis adat euit, a maestition D. Conversian manu Greel veλ aro intriuinitivo an solio red by a genitive or dative, rnen ino vecta omninontruso sor inon in Englignare transitive:
c. In many cases, ino Groin iraeli varies using in amne veri a disserentinae a transitivo and inuansitive:
many intransitivo Vects and common ias an attributivo com
apply It is also sui tes osten, sed Min attributives. ne
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558. Onerali tantive ma nave another depen tingit intne genitive '