A Greek Grammar for Schools and Colleges

발행: 1866년

분량: 404페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


translated in


658. For attristrativo and prodicat adiective, s- 488. For agmen enio iniective an auostantive, Me 498. Formnuuin au oci, an uae falective a su tantive se 509. For peculiarities in nutiine and gen-der, Me 51 1 3. Formae os inlective a advert, seo 226, 228. For neuter Mectivo used a cognate-accusative, Me 547 c.

660 COMPARATIVE. Die comparative degres may be esto


663. SUPERLATIVR. The superlative representa a qualiuras'Monongio ita subieci in chiglier degre inan to any ollier individual os ut sanis clam Tnia clam is mos commovi dos nated by a genitivo partuivo 669 Q, unici may one lis underetood ursere inero is non expresaed.Butris superlativo i iam tam 1 rithoiit desinu resereno in a clasa, torepresent a qualit a Delongin torus su*ec in a very nignis me:


os an unempliatio possessive pronoui 5 2 M. For tho artiolo