장음표시 사용
. νυν τόδ' ἔσθι, τουτου, βαλόῖτέ που,
καὶ δειλος εἶναι μαλλον η , ἐμοὶ θρασύς. XΟΡ. ναξ δυσσευ καιρον ἔσθ' ἐληλυθώς, ῶ, ξυνάμων, αλλὰ συλλύσων πaρει. iai Δ τί δ' ἔστιν ανδρες τηλόθεν γαρ ὴσθο-
κλύοντι φλοῖρα, συμβαλεῖν πη κακά. ΑΓΑ ηκουσεν αισχρα δρῶν γυρ ἡ τοιαυτά
τοσονδε μισεῖν, δεστε την δίκην πατεῖν.
AΓΑ. ου γυρ θανόντι καὶ προσροβηνοί σε ΟΔ μὴ χαi', 'Amiίδη, κέρδεσιν τοῖς μη
ΟΔ αλλ' ὐ λέγουσι τοι φίλοις τιμας νέμ
σύριγγες ἄνω φυσωσι μιλαν μενος. ' αγε πας, φίλος ὁστις ανηρ
XOP. ἡ πολλὰ βροτοῖς εστιν ἰδουσιν1οὶ γνῶναι πρὶν ιδεῖν δ', ουδεὶς μάντις των μελλόντων, ὁ τι πράξει.
AT Ivliat period ostiis poetical career Sopia les irroiiglit out thera ax v laave Iio means os ascertaining vitia certain ty but juclginu Domitie severe structure os the triine te alid the selection os ille I ricalineasures, ac vel as the elevate citaracter of the diction, ne siroiud
ilais difference, the ancieiit love to placeriiri cla aracter sicle byside soli ideat of heroi persection There a re, inde ecliona nypoinis os resemblance in thei stori es Aa ac likr ille ciuile os Homerxis represented by the post-Homeri poeti inferior in eloquencerio many os ille oster heroos and his quareel xviui ille Areadae, Miter ille deosio in Mour os Ulysses reminit us os ille dispute os Achilles vitii Agamemnon in the Iliad. Froni ille time os Pindari
INTRODUCTION. Os the arrogance of Max me findiso traces in the Iliada aut the
eas to laei plota anusing laena to est ablis h. as a reat principie, the inevita hie certiit tity v illi relucta putiis linirent sol inius very transgression sol e clivi ne lavv. A the conqui Ior os Iro are severet PunIstaec for ille excesses vllicholae committe i in the
poeni os Sophocles possesso the merit os intrinali si ii in lin letiri,Me to inquire stoni cluit foureo lis deriveu liis subject--uer, and in Wiure forni e Bund it. A the Aiax o Sophocles is in an
Follo ring this , recedent and the plan os ille drama acu is mugis' shesthe in the elisa Sophocles represent his lier a car ing risi ii into acies his se eling os liatre tot tard the Atridae
INTRODUCTION. ance viti uae citaracter of the fame lier draum by Homer Thestor is ive more in mil by Areuntis os Miletus, and Leselies os Lesbos. Ille forino oscilles pocis, in his At nτὰ,4 Heli prosesses . to lis a continuatio os ille plo os ille Iliad reliroenis a te Testruggle a talciniplace around the bod of Achilles, clioin Paris
lising unaiae in decidera,et en ille competitore reter si question, b is advice os Nestor, to their Trojan prisonere, Mim on Ming ked vitiis os ille eandidates hiul inflictei mos in tu on uinir
omitte by Pindar, the admirer an panegyris of the nobi families of in and os ille Eacid Max. clioni lie every wliere places in the fidit rant os his laeroes com p. Nem 2, 19 3, 23 7 Isthm 4, M. 6 273. O the ouier liand Lesches distincti mentions that Aiax
ris deseat, laut is siuncto ille tuich by the reflectionciliat lie, dis-honoured his heroid nam and nivile himself the laliphing-stocli of his Miterest enenates Besore the time os Sophocles is ston aiadii
nislied ille tot of one of the Tritogies of Eschylias, Iuliose dramaticseries pens illa ille judgement-scene, at a later perio a favorate them in the school of the rhetoricians. In the rs piece, ille
'πιπλών Κρίσιc, ut acilia audetes, in in the poeni os Arctilius, Me uati prisonera, ille princes xvi, compose the couiwn bellicimerelyinute personages. Besore this court Arax, in Wor is plead his
required, because lite sulcide os Arax, althougii an expiatio of his ouene against Athono, Was neverihel res ille resulcos an iniquito astu innient, and was calculaterio excitetit so the salien hero, ratheresian satisfactio at he happy terminatiori os his suffering s. This
large ly oscilles stori es os legendarn Malii, Livius Andronicus has mit En R I macer, Ennius an Ajacanit Telamon, ' an Attius an inmitiari in Ilulicium ' an Eurysaces. 'ohe Ajax V os Enni iis is aclo Selii itatioI of ille drana os Sophocles, and the Teucer of Pacuvius
lliis inure os ille hero' missortiines. His jacteaebes s that Hesuinption lio, ver excusatile mani, o the More os y uisul impetuosi , is neveriheles the ritin even os the nios bla inelem;
different charactere, at ille concitato os ille picte. Is Aiax suas de, seate in the simuleio the arinour os Achilles, ille satiustu Teucer,
in his nev contest, is victorious oster an eloquent panegΠic o the fallen ero, lae triumphantly restites ille amnient of the Atridae wlio resus to recogi ii Zε ita si istinctio belween jax an an ordinar transgressor , and obta in sor lui illiis trious cleat the lion Our ora public lunerat. It was ille Atratas sula laad firs svronged Aja bylaniatri deprivincii in os ille prage to vlaicia te vas eluitled butWhen, in the bitteritos os his resentinent, the itero ises his liandagainst theni Auian mitis bini fissi inadnos, and by this x--