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Plut Solon, I 0). The were the repute ancestor os Pisistantiis, Ilusiades, Cinion, Alcibiades, and thera Purposely enlargin theesrese of these palmoti traditions Sophocles represeius the latinsulmariners os Salamis, vii forin the chorus, a native reclineidae v. 2023, earniniaster mens the sacreti ity an nrahes AjaX, 13ssore he clarows limselfo liis Mus h talis leave of Alliens alii ille
Suci heing the connexion last veen iis hero an ille eopte os Athens, it vacitaturali ille an object of Sophocles to re-establisti,
io funerea laonoiirs, and of clearina ille laeroic cla aracter of Adax Domitie in putata oras, hic laad heen agi pon it. liis seconci pari os
in draim is in nec a justification solae honoriri pat is the Athenians to Adax Besore ille aut os Salainis to hicli v. 5 resera), ille Atheniam involita the protectio os Macand Telamon os silanus, a the uaritian heroes os Athens, and when the victor avo neci, dedicate Pthe acrothinia tociliena, in coriunction viti, os. Di an Athene Herod. 8, 4 I2lὶ Retaining in ali essentiat partici ilara ths ela aracter of Aiax as nurutayed in thera post ali poetneuertitati s ducticlousty extenuates his sauit an render the un- fortunate ero an objectis greater interest to the reader, by representiri hin os a nan fiali alive to the tiarans o nature, suscepti ble
i, Athonε. consulerable et is also lisplayed by the me inresei in ali mention os the impiet o Max unti the speret os ille so limo ex v. 7583. In his ignoranee os uiis imporiant aes, cliere ex accord to latim his unqualined compassion, as an innocent man persectited god as et a ira the animosit os Athlneseenas to bestiae result of her affectio for his rival lysses, nor is ituntii vestiave heconae enimnoured of li character of Ajactinc cleeptu interes ted in his inissoriura es, uuati e re ason os Alliensi' severi ty
stia os Arax Maiulcat ille inreusit os illis eamp and oons, olivitation os the principat elutriinter, the eetiue os the inici scene ui σκηνή properisso callad); consequently the campisan occupy
received in ille ni in uia uis floelis os the Acbtinns, vitii theushepheriis, lim been Mausi luere L Itysses secretisvistis the tent os
ays Alliene to b his helper ever, asilie lio been onciliis occasion. he contrast beluino the linugiit triumph os Macandalie meannem ostiis victinis, and that to in presene os the clivine inrisian or his dea mes sori Whocis ille Mineis orbis thumiliation, proauces a scene
INTRODUCTION. assistatice vi litie loes iis reatly rei M. The horrvit orciliis Mens in vitioli Atii a Menis to perseeute Max Dom inere vanion-nem, and oti mirines compassion is in eo emene exeiled fora
getice of the disastrous event, at the fame in expressing rbines that the wliola is an invention os their lorici enetiae corsonae maluitantio ver has robbeii Hur os urulerataiuling. A thesim os these auppositions Mems the nos probatile uis cali on
lias tu an nounc illei intention os qui tin ille camp. Teclneis renderes mor coiripi sed by the renit it of her ivo pigi nos describes lier orci' condition in ore circumstantiali in Iani hic verse fronti
intemimed a reo lar iniurarast by the timetera os ille cliomas and Gentesm. The susserina hero oum soritimas, sim o bis ine,
nouncea the retur os Teucer, an describo the manno in v Melitie has been received by the irritate Acthaeani and then, supposing actoae in ille tent, i communicates la injunction os Culchas, that in hero aliout be Icept in close confinem erat ituring the xv hole of that day Notivitiastandingaeucer' haste, ita injuncta on comes icio Tecmessa, taeini Jled olit os the tent, despatches ille Chorus
normivratas anil solith variis in earet os ille los hero, Milist shelterinis, in the agon os lier sevi , leaves Eun saee Mone in ston os the tent, animasses ut at the fide on, ei Machas Hready quilini
lammis monolo rueis hieli has been in osten imitate by later poeis. H. prays uiat Zeus villiant hini a speed dissolution, and emouis his fri,ther Teucer o inter his i My vetith ille accustome hono ara.
The encleavourcos Teucer to sulfil his injunctio creat ille interest of the las litiis oscilis iece. Thenae curses his enenates, implores ste sun Hiilios to conve tu ille Hers of Salamis the tutino: o lsis fates anci, ita ving in Volce die alia Tl anatos , bills lare Keil in langvago os ille mos toltcsing tendernes to ali xvlioin herila love an valued
son villaecoine ille flaves of the Atridae, x lio vilicioin with lyssea in insulting the melinoo os ille salteri liero; et in thecini lacos lier affiction, sileris in sonae fori consolad by the reflectio that Ajaclias found the whicli he himsel mos aestred-iliat heris the victim
in a speecli os consideri,Me tengili su D2--i039), expariates o the stultilo consequences os his brotheris dealli, hiichi render his rerum inpossit,ie to the lious os the severe and hasty Telamon, and exposes lii in tocilae sursos ille Achaean clitela, ali os vult oinritate ini
horis in some sor his representative, an scio, ioni the protectiono tho dea fron ire si insulis no hecomes a sacre duty Th character os Menelaiis, the ea sit vortia os the tradae. 4. Ite is represente by at the Attaenian tragi poets, is liere extrahi ted in anunsavorable liglit, vitia ali ille unamiable traiis Whicla, accordinito
AH et norifiteri, distinguishei the natives of Sparta. During thensetiine Maii, he had beenimnsulissensibin os his o Wn inseriori ,
by lisputinitii rulit ostenelaus torissu an command to Max, clio Nula'ris ille rinro an independent Atlas uuii herilectistes sui . in spite or uis prohibition, he xkill inter in Mosos his in ollier, is oui ad inveniar in the expedition nochoni asy love tomenelaus,
i ut hecause a laad, voria o Tyndarus to aven ge an insilit vlaici nright be of ret to Helen. Aster an interclian e of vituperative langiauge, Mirile laus tern inἔites tiae discussion vitia a tirpat ilia lae rit have reco urserio violerace against Teucer v. 60 . alie return
Exonosori 1223 to the elidi Te eriliastens bacic, an at ille sanietinis Agamemnon entera, having been insorine of the occurretice lut Menelaus me reiecis,illi indignatio the demand os Teucer, qnddeclares uia Aiax in his setime ad alway been subjecto his
many personat sacrifices made by Max sor ille genera good retorison Agameninon the reproacti os tu ing the son os a bar mali mollier, remitulinthun Malie many crimes committed by Iiis limne os umeri Pelops, a barbaraan, vas ne fouiriles anil concludes,itia a declarationis his determination to oppos Arceri soree v. 3I53. At this
criticalis oment, hen sonne ac os violence spem inevitabie, and the anxiet os the aii die nc is at iis greates hi pia lat. Utvsses appears andat onc bring ille disputerio a satisfactor ' ENIunation. mere, as in the protome the character of Ulysses is in exact accordance villicitae
leave anilir in the liand of UlΠses, reserving in insistine rightos stillaiatine Maias his Maillies fori Agameninon invina quiue illi stage, lysses onera in assis Teucer in the peribrinane os sis
funeralites. Teucer, xvlio had remaineci silent during the discussioni et resepia Agamemnon and lysses, nox thanks the son o Laert si for homisi id the Attic- Salaminia race of the et alnoIlidae an laonoris able reconciliation was as impossibie, a betvreen the Athenians and
Spartans Uysso retires, mala Teucer nullis arriingenium sis ineburiat. Die playterininates in the spectacle os theminea alime-sion, in eo se os Aiax ining sello red by Eurysaces, tutioin ille
Atlientans Mere tuont O revereno as ne os the native heroes os Attica Titiis uis claaracter of Ajacis suli vindicat et , and th Athenian aumenoe liave the satisfactio os vi inessin ille honoura
pald by the Greelca to the founder of the antic Phyle. Thoancient Willi one voice pronounce jacan ill-used in . Socrates, in Plato, Apoll. 4I, B, long in bes vitii Aiax and the iner illustriolis victi in os caluinny and Aristolle, in his poem n Ἀρετη, in
NOTES. He the turn to the corialiteration os the presem casei a xα νῖν