
발행: 1891년

분량: 110페이지


분류: 미분류


co inpares the custona falae Scottista sol dier in the Middie Ages, cibuni in pellibus nidis coquere mos erat' ap. in grave): and , invidi. V. I, xve are tota that in Scythians boiled flesti in the paunches of xen, like a aggis . laeie is no need, heres ore, to ad after et Sice,


ll. 37 - 82. Odysseus return Doni the cave an describes to the Chorus the scene of bloo istae Within; also ho v he has inducet the Cyclops to indulge his passio sor vine Herein tes heir liope se scape. The Chorus Vel come this alter idea villa Joy, and O lysseusgoes orario in fora ther of the plan ivthiel lae has devi sed sor in lingth mon Ster He ni need thei co- operation.



Vidi egomet duo de numero cum corpora OStro PrenSa manu magna medio reSupinus in antro Fran eret ad saxum, anteque aspere natarent Limina γ vidi atro cum Ine111hira fluentia albo

και ἴδε πάντη . . .



describe a laavin in Od. ix. 3 6 κισσύβιον μετὰ χερσὶν ἔχων μέλανος

οἴνοιο. So, in Alc. 756, Heracle is described as ποτηρ . . . ἐν χείρεσσι κίσσινον λαβίν. ει ευμ os, lit 'in respectis viditi. 'l. 392. πεζεσεν transitive, lihe ξανεζέσει χόλον in P. V. 37o. l. 393. Zeugma. Tlae ace. ὀβελοί naus dependisn a vei implied in ἐπέζεσεv. Lot,eci remove ali difficult by reading on his una authoritv επέστησεν in l. 392. πυρί is Suspicioris aster πυρἱ of ille preceding in but the repetition 1 hardi sufficient of itfel to throw dotabis on in orderi ille

γνάθους, Cc in app. to σφαγεῖα in vilicia caseolae alter uoi must signis 3 instria naenis of stati later, a mean ing of Which no example are adduced. G. Hermania places illis line aster i. 399, 2 nil reacis Αἰτναῖ' ἁτε σφαγεῖα, πελεκεω γνάθοις, here σφα λ is in app. to κύτος, and γνάθοις dat O in Strianient He SayS apertum est aliquid amplius liciet significantius debuisse iam illud nudum τὼν ἐν κ.τ.λ. This is a



iliat in forni in ' i in se botii in Ioni an in late ivnters, but is not und in Attic.

αἰθερ' is generali used of the pure air of heaven a in P. I. 88; δῖος αἰθήρ. εξιείς SS.; but Athenaeus I p. 23 E , vlio quotes hi line, oves



ἄμυστιv Pollux, vi. 6, ab sis his vord, ου μόνον την ἀθρόαν πόσιν, ἀλλα καὶ κπώματος σχημα δηλοῖ Horace Od. i. 36. 4 is genetallysuppose to emplo ine vord in the lalter sense, mon multi Damalisi neri Bassiam Threicia vincat amystide. The veλ μυστίζειν occurs in l. 565 inst. γ έλκύσας, ἔλκειν is sed in much e same ense a σπῆν ep. Ion Iao εἶλκον δ' sc μέθυ εὐπτέρους ες αὐχένας. The caesura is hardi macte at ad in iliis line: p. ec. 355

γυναιξι παρθένοις τ' ἀπόβλεπτος μέτα. l. 4 I9. πρόs, o Crown': p. in D. 573 δαιτὶ προς πολλῆ . l. 42 2. τρώσει. P. Od. XX i. 293 οἶνός σε τρώει μελιηδής, στε καιάλλους βλάπτει.

l. 23. For the whole of the scene vities solio us cp. in conductifHeracles in the laouge of Adnaetias, Alc. 756 ποτῆρα δ' εν χείρεσσι κίσσινον aβὼν πίνει μελαίνἹς 'τρὸς εύζωρον μέθυ, ε ως θέρμην αὐτον ἀμφιβῶσα φλὸξ

l. 432. ἀλλά an γάρ must be talcen together in e sense of d, ut or lao ve ver. The phras is ellipticalci p. m. 16 ἀλλ' ἴτε γὰρ δὴ τὸ συν



ῶς δια μακρου γε τον σίφων τον φίλον χηρεύομεν τόνδ' υκ ἔχομεν καταφαγεῖμ, καταφρονεῖν beingo ille above in sonae Copies , Seem an Undout ted interPolation, even ivlae reduceda iis probabie rarana soram: Δ διὰ μακρου γε τον σίφωνα δν φίλον χηρευομεν τόνδ', ου ἔχοντο καταφυ εῖν.

transitive Signification, althougia severa vere in εύω, sues a φονεύω, δρφανεύω, πορεύω, c. are o sed I and iv καταφυγεῖ has no properconStruction, it hieingienerali employes viti an advectis 'notion to 'or Uitta πρός εἰς, C., an an acc. Ad to this the olbscurit of the language, and the factoliat the rerious remari s of the Chorus areeomplete in thenaseives vithout ille additio of these two lines, and weshal find good reagon for regar ting them a SpurioIIS HOWeVer, Variou attempis have been made to reta in an explain them Thus G. Herin novould read τον φίλον σίφωνα δὴ in the irst, and ου ἔχομεν γαρ καταφυγῆν or υκ ἔχοντα καταφwm in the seeon 1 line; καταφυγὴν meaning sourcei gratification. Other proposais areno read θηρεύομεν





telo lumen terebramus Cuto Ingens, quod ora a solum Sub fronte latebat,

sa vita Silenus. l. 468. διπλαῖσι κώπαι prohiablv means sinapi vitti t vo bank of Oars, i. e. in a. bireme'; a in I. T. O δικρότοισι κῶπαις ἔπλευσαν.

Tite tiraseolo is conventional, lihe the νεὰς μελαίν and κοῖλον σκάφος of the precedin line. l. 469. σπερ ε σπουδῆς θεcυ, it Vas fister a libation to the god 'Man commentator Se a reference toritae eremon os lippin a ligit ted brand into the lustrat vafer an sprini cling the Ssemissed eopleri P. H. F. 928 μέλλων δε δαλὸν χειρὶ δεξία φέρειν, ἐς χέρνιβ' c βάψειεν, κ. T.λ. , an ior Pa 959 ἄγε δὴ το κανουν λαβὼν συ και την χέρνιβα, περίιθι τον βωμὸν ταχέως πιδέξια. φέρε δὴ 'o δαλίον τόδ' εμβό ψω λαβίν. But suci an interpretation voti id require u to read εν σπονδὴ inritae Ceremon is libation ' ratiae thian iam σπονδης aster lilbation ' :moreover, in χέρνιψ vas notis fame acine σπονδῆ. In ali probability, tiae reserenc is to the ritualis a sacrifice. It Nas the custom to potir alibation is vine ver e burnin victim, an ine to prepare hie sacrificiat seast op Ιl. i. 462 Sqq.: καῖε δ επι σχήης ὁ γέρων, ἐπὶ δ' αἴθοπα οἰνον



μίστυλλόν τ' ἄρα τἄλλα, καί ἀμφ' βελοῖσιν ἔπειραν,

ἄπτησάν τε Ἀριφραδέως, ερύσαντό τε πάντα. αυτὰρ επε παύσαντο πόνου τετύκοντό τε δαῖτα,

δαίνυντ'.andi. i. 775 . σπενδων αἴθοπα οἶνον ἐπ' ἰθομένοις ἱεροῖσι.So here, the Cyclops is regarde 1metaphoricali as a falle victi in atready burning in the lames, ver inlior ine libation os vine hasal ready been oured, and who Se destruction vili e complete viae helias been inalty inded. The Chorus rave permission to talce part like the νέοι o Homer in his final consummation that so the maybe quali fiexto laare the banquet, that is, o rea tiae bene fit of their victory cp. Eur El. 63 5θω γ' ἰδών σε δαιτι κοινωνον καλεῖ. l. 47o. τυφλοὐvτOS. Tlae part of the present is sed a linos in thesens os an a l. so that os τυφλοὐvτos ὀμματα, lye-blinding, forins


l. 477. τοῖσι ἀρχιτεκτοσι, i. e. τοῖς ἀνδράσι.



Aster l. 86 the old editor insert a Stage direction δ ἔνδοθεν. Ithccurs in ossi hecie ad in MSS.

l. 497. εκ πετασθε s lit. extendi nihimself': p. the iis os ἐκδόσθαι quote on l. 5o cinis. l. 99. For the SS. readins ἐπὶ δεμνίοις τε ξανθόν, vliere in metre leniand a stiori fflatile in in Sixti place, it has been propose to eadἐnc δεμυίοισί τ' vθos, ανθος os coui Se going Viin χλιδανης ταίρας. The epithet ξανθός hie in frequently used of the hai in Eur might have been introduced as an eas correction Os a Corarapi passage. In thi Way too wea et id os in sin utar expression ἔχων βοστρυχον ἐπὶ δεμνίοις: vhil inelaintines of the nia id ei and the sprucenes of the love are hereb brought into natura connection vitii ne noster. l. 5oa. θύρα τίς ἔξει μοι The Se vor is may have been in conimen cement of a Popular Serenade.