장음표시 사용
Cher sonesus, and the Thir Phil sic. The present avori is a firs instalmeni; o an edition o fine es t Philippi Orations ivllicli I under-took o prepare in Februar 1895. Nearly the re hole of this volume ivas prepare ior the pressinio Long Vadation o 1896. It has since been revise 1 and complete di irin a coxars o Collegelectures iven in the subsequent Michaelmas Term. It is no v pulblislied in the liope i iis pro ring useiulto studenis, avi lether in the Universities O in tussielligiter ornis o public Sehools. The In Dodiluton includes arahelchii the geog aphyand early histor o Macedonia o brie revie vii thecareer o Demosthenes an Phili do vn to the dato Oi lio Fus Philippie and an analysis an Summaryo that Speech and o the Three Oly)ιtHaes, Villi omediscussion of the datum ille torme and the Order i
vi PREFA the alter. It also ouelles on the extua criticismo Demosthenes, vitii special referene to the e ridenceo the JUSS, in degre Oi importa nee o b attachedio citations in inlitations by later ii riters, an to certaincia usi oratorica composition. I eloses tha conspectus O the literatur O the si il)Jeci , in theloon o a seleci Est D editions dissertationS, and
The fert, though ounded maintvin that mi indorias revised by Blas in the Teubner editionis 1885,