장음표시 사용
ar uments Suggeste in conversation Irithi thers,
considere it inelegant anc unima ly, inhile ne fili OIV conteniporaries contra sted iis artificialmanne and his torcet pathos vitii the reserve and the Seli- possession Oi Mer spetiy er ivli discolarSediviti the multitude in a talei and Diagnificentava admitting, O veVer, that his speecheS, laenreaci appeared a superior o liose i ther in
35 B. c. sthenes ventri the Hellesponti as meraret unde Ceptiis odotus, anxit, vas probabi in the Sarme rear that he delivere this speech He herociatim the cro vn promised to the trierarch ivlio vas
attained in ille great deliberative speeche of SubSequent ears. In particular, the sine allusion to the tormer achievements o Alliens, and thesplendourii the sacred edifices raised to commemorate
finiis an echo si years later in the Thraci Olynthiac
refers, io the firs time, to hilip o Macedon, o his
y RΚenned Denn aquinst Leptines etc. P. 235. p. Introd. to Leptines P. XXXVili.
FOR THE MEG LOPOLITANS xxiii To the sanie ea belong the secom Of the lirue Hellent Orations. The ei uit O Megalopolis ivlbeen crea ted hi Epaminomias by a union o the scauered village of the Arctu an leagiae, and at this moment the pressure of the laocian uar 355 346 B. C. prea entec Thebes rom bein abierio protect is . Sparta seige the Opporti init to propoSe a generat restoration Oi ancienti righis, the restitutioni Oropus
to thens, and o Messene to Sparta, and the lissolution o Megalopolis. Being thus threatenedi, Sparta, and unatale to obtain hel 14 111 Thehies, Megalopolis sentcior id to thsens. In the speech Fostho Meaalopolitans Hr. 16 Demo
plea, insistingin the maintenarice of the balance Oi potve betave en Thebes and Sparta, Ointinnio his country' traditionat polic o protecting the
immemate purpose. In the ollo ring ea Charidemus vas stili in the service of thens for in the autuuin o 35 B. , he vas Sent On a missionto the Thracian Chersonesus Philip lia invaded Thrace lavetve monilis hie re, and the rival princes, Amadocus and Cersobleptes lia submitte i to his control. Helice rili, it u as u longe against peti Thracian princes ilia Athens had O protectili Chersonesus, ut against the ver ro IV in an lincreaSin vii Ilii Oi Macedonia. Havin bries traced the career o Demostlienes