First Greek book; comprising an outline of the forms and inflections of the language, a complete analytical syntax, and an introductory Greek reader. With notes and vocabularies

발행: 1861년

분량: 307페이지


분류: 미분류


ΤΗΕ Volume o issere to the public is designedio e ut iace an ovilineis Gree Gramma an an Introductor Gree Reader. It proposes to conductilio eginno through in common Arms and inflections of the language, to acquaint him illi thecload-ing principies of it syntax, o present besore imis distinet picturo os the Gree sentence, and finalty tosurnis him illi arahor course os reading preparator to tho Anabasis of Xenophon. It is basedisponthe fame philological principies a the author' Latin books though in iis exocution it differs Dominominine o tWo important particulars It Ollows more closely the ordinar arrangement of standar Gramia mars, and proceed more rapidi in the devolopmentos iis plan. ho generat methodi classification and treaiment, hoWeVer, is the Same. OreoVer, prino, ples and rulos hic are common t both tho Grook and tho Latin are state in the fame langua in thoge Orks thus rendering the pupil' knowledgo Hready acquired sor the Latin invallable also sor



compare the two languages, and thus secure a moredosinito knowledge of thei resemblances. The reson Wor is the resulti a noWing comvictioni the par of tho author that thoil mothodos burdening the memor of the beginner With a confuse mas of unmeaniniforms, inflections and rules, without allowinthim tho luxu is using the knowledge hecis o laboriousi acquiring is at ne unSatisfactor an unphilosophicat. t accordingi aimst present a clear an systematic arrangemont of the grea facts and law of the language, an to illustrate them te byrate missi arefuli selecte examples an exercises. In his a every lesson is learnedla actual use, and thus ecomes clothoi Wit inter est an meaning. he Various changes of inflection, otherwise s dry an dimouit, re ound to e thehoys to the rich troagures of ancient thought. In preparing the exercise and the reailinilessons care has been aheno introduc euch selections aswould Ot ni best illustrate grammatical oinis, but Would ais posses in themselves somo intrinsio

value an interest.

quirin no accompaniment of gramma or exicon. For the convenience, hoWeVer, o Such a ma preserto userit, in connection illi some standard Grammar,



reserenoes are made in the Syntactica portions both of the Lessons and Notes, to the excellent,ork of Ρrosessor Hadi , Crosby, and G d in. In the preparatio of the wor the author has resorte Deelyrio such sources of insormation a mere villiin his reach. Among the numerous Grammati- ea and hilologica woas hic he has ad constanti befors him, the invaluabio labor of Voltchan Carinichaol o tho Gree Verb, and thos ofΜadvi an Clydo on the Gree Syntax, deserve speciat mention.




Iv. Accent . . . .

V. Syllabios VI. Quantit . . . VII. Mund of the Letters I. The Englis MethodΙΙ. Thear minii ethod III. The oderit Gree MethodVIII. Harha o Punctuation


1I14151 18212324


LXII. articles . . . . .

LXVI. Elements of Sentences continued. nterrogatiV and Imperative Sentences .... 142

LXVII. Simplo Subjeci 144 LXVII complex Subjeot 145


LXXVI. Complex Predicate.-Combined Objecta. ccusative and Dative ..... 163 LXXVII. complex aeredicate. Ombine& Objecta. Aceus live an Genitive . . . . . 165 LXXVIII. complex redicate. Ombined objecta. enitive and Dative . . . . . 16 LXXIX. Complex redicate-Adverbial Attribuis.-Adverba 169LXXX. Complex Predicate.-Adverbia Expremions.-Ρlacean Time . . . . 1 1 LXXXI. Complex redicate.-Adverbial xpressiona. Rnner, eanS, ause . . . . 1 3 LXXXII. Complex Predicate.-Oblique Cases Wit mepositiona indverbia Expression . 1 5 LXXXIII. complex Substantive Predicate . . IV LXXXIV. Complex Adjective Predicate . . . 1 8LXXXV. Element of Simple Sentences.- capitulation 181
