First Greek book; comprising an outline of the forms and inflections of the language, a complete analytical syntax, and an introductory Greek reader. With notes and vocabularies

발행: 1861년

분량: 307페이지


분류: 미분류




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6. ho Groe has three character in mar accent, calle the acute , in grave', an in Aro-- fleae . very Gree mord, as a genera rule, muSthme one accent, an caninave but one. 7. his accendimus standinino of tho last thros syllabios of tho Ord. 8 omine last syllabio ma stan either in acute, in grave, o in circumflex. 9. O the penult μαε θυι one ma stan sitherme acute or circumfleX. 10. nolis antepenuit laδι ut VH a standoni in acute, and that ni When the ultimate is



ἄνθρωπος τις, α certain man. Here the accentis τις

stand upon the last syllabie of ανθρωπος. Auch wotas are calle Moliti . 16. Gree is pronounco accordin to the writtenament quite extensivel o the continent of Europe, an in a sew of the school an colleges of uriwn count but the more common usage illi us a in England disregard the writte mar entirely, and accents as in Latin accordin to quantity, a sol-

Wisein the antepeniat.

17. In Greeh, as in Latin every Wordia a many syllabios ascit has separate voWel an diphthongs.


18 A syllabi is long in quantity, 1 Is it contain a diphthongi one of the long

andis liquid a --ξ, in hich both syllabies are long though both voWola are

19. A syllabis is horicis it contains ne of the

20. There are nocles than three distinc mothodsrecogniZed by classica scholars in the pronunciationo Greeli generallyanown a the Enyliah tho Molem Greek, and the miam therars prevallingin England an in this count , in secon in Greece, and tho hir in ther paris of the continent of Europe. e subjoin a briefiuiline of oach, leaving the instructor' mahe his own election.




3. Sownd of the G onomia. 28. me pronunciationis the consonant ismearly the samo as in tho Englishmethod.



2. Sorand of the D phthonga.

30. M lihe, in heres e. g. φέρεται.

In ther siluations they have the ound of in V, efinime' mori, rej e. g. αἴρω ηύξησα. 3. Sorand of the Conmnariis. 31. has the ound of the Englis vr . g. βάσις. has no exact representativo in Englis it has asound intermediate betmeen that os Chard and y, andis approximatet expresse bys in again: e. g. γονος, γερας. Besore , γα, and e, it has the found of ny in rivr e g. αγγελος, Pronounce aristyel . has tho ound of th in them. 3 has tho sound of th in thi . has generali the found of n in English in thoarticle howover, it has besore, tho ound of ny as την κεφαλήν andae re et stat of m, as τὴν πολιν. et has generali the ound of s, but asteris of thsartiole and mi has that orbe e. g. ἄμπάλος, τὴν πολιν. has generali the ound of t,aut asteris in themiddis of a wor an astor, of the articlericis pronounce like d e g. πάντα, την τιμήν. has no equivalent in Englisti, ut is lis tho Germanish. I may be approximatet describo asintermediato belween the found of h and k in herundisy e g. χείρ.


tho Englishmethod. 32. In pronunciatio quantit is disregarded therough reathiniis no heard, and the writte mata