장음표시 사용
han ovo, deliver transmit, handdom to posterio, narrate, teli.
ascriberio get, obtain protract.
latera men. tu is, e adst disgracessit. Tuuoi, orum m. l. m Etrusci , the Tuscans, Etruscans, inhabitants of Etruria Tuaous, a, um, aes
ati together, ,hole, entire; in
univsvsum, in generat. unus, a, um, en. Ius, card adfione, a Single alone; a unum, toa man in unum, into one, to oneplace unus iacuis, ach one. urtinuus, a, um, adst. Prope tore os the city, or a cit man. urtis, urbiS,s ity. urgeo, ere, ursi, tr. v. urge. quam, ais in an Place any-where, in anything, in an way.
usum, ae, interest. iri or uri, in the manne that ah
eo modo quo in comparisons just as, as, it corret ita or sic; introducing examples M, Such as, forinstance: in explan or parenth. clauses inasmuchos, a betng; ut qui, as is natura for ne who. like ne ho, since te;
des. v. vates m prophetJ, predict.
Fcapivo, in clea type, it introductions indexesis prope names, notes, an vocabularies Cloth, a. d. September IOIO Me extendis early etcome to this efferies, hic is assuredo successcis the latur authors to e include in itin editor initiithelowersis lucid exposition an understandingis hos need whichare possessed by r. reeman. The introductions are admirablyadapte sor oun readem, and r. reeman is to e earti lycongratulate upon fiat he has achieved both in these an in thenotes, an it is ali done implfbntakincto hear the old injunctionos Marcus Aurelius, απλωσον σεαυτον ly- e Schoo Morta. o Horace, Selec Odes This delictisul editio . . . It would beabsurd to deny that the selection has been made it great discrimination. The note are simplicit lineis, an deserve the attentionos ali teacher os the subjeci. The introduction, too, is ali that is required, a weli a the bries, but clear, explanationis Horatian metres. we heartily congratulate r. Jackson on hi succes as an editor and commentator.' econdas Education.
Τne Fauos Troy adapte from Vergil Aeneid. p. 96, with sive illustrations.
Caesar Gallic War, Book IV, Sections o-38, and Boo V, parti in the originat an partly in translation, edite by R. . LIVINGATON an C. E. FREEMAN. Latin Melan rom Catullusto Claudian. An eas Reader,chose is C. . REEMAN thegenerat editor of the ne OxsordJunior Latin Series .
By R. L. A. DU PONTET. Parta, From the lement to the textos Caesar's Campaigns in Britain, modifie to avoid the se os the Subjunctive ood. r. Vo.
The reaiment os est the miniso Elementar Latin is suil, and thermare copiou exercises os an interestin kind. an os thelalter armos a semi-direct character, giving lent os scope sorvariations os method. e haven doub that whoever orks through this boo wil sin the translatio of the modisse textos Caesar, with whic it closes, an easytash.'-Educationali es. An Elementam Latin Gram--r B E. E. BRYAN and Ε. D. C. LARE. r. m. p.
The essentialsos Latin accidenceare se down with perfeci clarityi a undred an fisteen ages. It is an altogether admirabiellitie book pectator.
The accidenceris . . . as bries asis compatibie it an adequatetreaiment os regula sorma, allirregularities ein reSemedi Osar a possibie, sor an appendix. An admirabie, an in annos iis delatis an original, reaiment of the principat paris os verba hasbeen adopted. . . . An immensegat in simplicit an clearnessi due o Pros. Sonnenschein's methodis treatin the Subjunctive. . . . Pros. Sonnenschein isto be congratulate heartilympona book hic marh so distincta advance in the eachin os Latin grammar. R. Μ ΗΕNRY.Sehoo Dictionaries