장음표시 사용
LIV Wa bor in B. C. at atavium, the chie to no the Veneti in orth Italy, and aster Rome ne of the three mos important cities in the ancient orid. The ear of his birth Was the in Whichisa in Caesar' consulfhip the fruits of therars informa compaci belWeen Ompey, CrassuS, an Caesar, and the Mundations lai sor Caesae commandi Gaul. The historian' early education a received in his native tOWn, here e was thoroughi traine in ree literature, an prepare for his profession that o cieacher of rhetorico Prosessor of Literature As he ould hare thepalpita cisar an hopes of the momentous years in hichCaesar reduce the Galli rebellions Crassus fellis Carrhae
54 B C. Pompe gre estrange sto Caesar a B. C., the Civit War illi it violent reversat o fortune Was ought ut 49-45 B. C., and a las Caesar a murdere 44 B. C. is youth an early manhood et in theis tangle years o Brutus an Cassius fallure an deseat et B. Q of Antony's brilliant promise an subsequent collaps 3I .ci, of Octavian' prudent revivat an revision o the plan or an Empire. Comin to Rome bout the time of the batile of Actium 3I B. C. LivyWasius hominbout a B C in his Annales, a histor os Romesto the earlies times, turning out o an verage three books year. The ninth book a Written besore a 3 B. C. to judgesrom 184 6, here it ould have been natural to mentio the Parthia embassy of that ear. e reache the ear 9 B. C.
in his narrative his 1 and book; ut die the fame da as
prerious half-centur had produce an extraordinar increase in ealth a Rome, an at the fame time a terribi passion in men and women os lemure to ather ealth rom very quarte an by ever means, hile an equali terribi passionto squander and wasterit in momentar an Capriciou pleasures affecte the fame section o society. ompey' Conquest in the ast an Caesar' in the est, illi the pening of the Egyptia treasure-houses lia turne the head an hearis os me more disastrousinthan the discovernos America turned the
Eligabethans'. his avem frivolit an rapacit Was largelyspent by the time the Civit Wars had sWept Way many of the more dashing figures or est them trippe os thei property.
reflux of sentiment et in hom the healthy counto toWns and the sober member of the community. Augustus himself though no Dee sto the laintin influence of the societ in Whic his outh Was pent, armi Seconde the reformation, and it Successisas assure When Virgil, Horace, an Liv allalthe gave thei powers o furthercit. The historia then, inpar a least alme a settin besore his contemporaries, illial the attractivenes that imaginatio an a charmin stylecould lend the example of thei foresathers, hei glorious Selse sacrifice for their count , and the providentia guidance of her destinies. Not ver dissimilarly the fons of the propheis wrote the histor of the Hebre hingdoms, no primarii torecor histori facis, ut o trace the Divine developinent of eventS, the punishment of the insul the succes of the God-