장음표시 사용
Lampus, Clytius, and Hicetaon, 238.
277. Mendere, I, 300. Menoetius, T 24. Metat ala quantitatis, 231. Hiddie volae, implying semion, Υ 284, 116.
oecipua, W679. Olympus, the Thessalianmountain, T 114. Onomatopoetic morda,
Pentheauea, Ω 804. Perieci, o a continuingstate, Ω 225. Peratus, cited T 212. Personal conatruction, π131, 265.
Preaent indicative, in comparison, Am. Present periere, X 95. Professiona moumera,
ing thought of rat, X 52, 505.
teristica es ather, 506. Sona o Priam. 204, 249, 252, 261 497. Sophoclea, cited X 397,
412, Υ 145, 245, 362, 111 Φ 65, 221.
Sthenelua, T 115 f. Subjunctive, after εἰ in aparticular supposition, X86. - as emphati future, 505. in finia clause, alter secondarriense, T 354,
Vergit, cited T 1, 16, 18,61, 121, 125, 258 285, 362, 365, Υ 38, 48 61, 151, 168, 16, 223, 229, 287, 296 307, 438, 460, 71 Φ 28, 59,69L, 94, 124, 178,220, 257, 279, 295, 405 541, X 31, 61 68, 87, 94, 139, 161 165, 200, 200, 273, 275, 277, 317, 352, 359, 360, 366, 386, 397, 410 460, 15, 27, 2, 75, 100, 133, 164, 175, 219, 228, 237, 239, 260, 334, 363, 368, 370, 380, 382, 386, 404,475 542, 560, 599,618 669 666 684, 686 687 688 697, 705 707, 766, 766, 768 774, 81, 791, 853, 58 865, 868, 871, Ω 29, 144, 23, 293, 306, 348, 369, 367, 381, 28 683.
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