Homērou Ilias: The Iliad of Homer

발행: 1844년

분량: 446페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


sor comment Whicli liave appeare in me, hon severat eam experieno in tho clas room, Inostri require it Pliave comauited heel sonae osthen est commentators, particula lymeyne and Troilope. The notes, it viliciae perceived ure designed parti in explain the mos dissiculi phrases, allusions and constructions and parti in cali the attentionis the circle toruiqintrinsic poetica beauties of the Ilietul. y visti has been tolea the young student in read the poena, no in the spirit os achool-NU conning a ut lesson to lis construod V and parseit,' an sorsotte When the hour os recitation is at anend but in the deliglatsul consciousnes ilia hecis employingliis mini um one os the noNest monuments os the genius osman. Whateve his conclusion rna be acto the merit os

particula passages, is an remarica os minoishould chance toexcite his attention to the rea character of the poeni, and topromote a habit os analytica criticisna, viaether his opinionsayee villi in o ni not, the oblect Whicli I have promisitis myseis milles e accomplistaed. A aithsulisse of the Granserni an Lexicon is, os course, os primu in portance norca the habitis constant an caresul verba analysis γε toostrongi incilicate i. The sui meanin and the picturosque linaut os Homer v illiso ope theniselves to the ni in os thereader unies he testes thi troesile os minibach to ille firsi significationis che vorda. The Illustrations os Μr Flaxinan remotis generali tus nom

eording to the opinion os the best judges, has imbibe more thoroughly the spirit os grace an beauty vhicli hietons pre- eminenti in ancient art. His min mani e sal to have been eas in a Grecia mould he had the fame intuitive porceintion os tho beatitistit, tho sanie love os simplicity the a m ver, Whici belonged to that intellectualieopte os emi ly-ing, in perseet forma, tho ideat creations os genius. II ventaeveri yBari in studying the remians os antiquit a Rome ;


revive and reproduqe uae elegant simpliciu os the work of thoancients. His Illustrations os Homer designe originali sor

plaus os est Europe. The have been repeatedi publislied in England France, Germany, and Italy, and liave talcen, by

universat consent, a place among the happleat ni Her representations os the spiritis the antique Theo hol the famarant in ara that Goethe's is enichiada in literauure. Tharepublicationis these Illustrations it is belleved, v il lis an

acceptatile services ille rea lers os Homer executed a theyare in the pures Grecian style.. r. maxinan illustrategis N


readorsis Homer,-rs Edition o tha uiaticia ooampanie bylli init Grecian Illustrations os Flintnati, in AndreWa limex Medali enuavinxv illi a sicill and laeti . o the original, Ihil honorissile in his tarie and talein iis an artist. The mineri question, ascit is Aled cannot be discusaediti his place. The reade Who is curious in loolt into his ver interestin subjecto vili uo vel to o nisuit theraearned prologomena os vias, and coram itinga ot Herme Η pily, a decisionis this much conteste inauer is no necessae trio the nos complete en 'Mnent os the poetical excellences of thouli ad Forony own pari, I preser to consido it a ue have received it stoin iis ancient editors, sine poem, the vorti offiuilior, anciliat auictor Homer, thoraret an materior in instreis As Lunderstand the Iliad there is a unu os plan, a V mon os paris, a consistenc among the lisserent siluatiosior iste sarnae character, vi hicli mar, at as in iam luetionis one inind but os a min a versatile in theriorumor naturo, iste aspecisis life and the combinations os poWere, propensities an passions in minore various.' in of the culos personages in the Iliad sho. theniselves but in persecuy, inles in the siluations in vilicii the tiro placet roag nouirili poeni be talcen into consideration. Achilles, is exampie,


But in the ininrviem iaculo arrabama lora aent by Agamenis non in his tent, he stimus himseu murteoua Mapitatae, an ieloquent Aster the deaui os atroclus ille hulae qualitissos his character, his su μ affections his heroi virtuos, are magnificently deviave This circumstanc aemus in Shων, uiat iste me maestingua heroes display themaelve by theis actions intende via Dan entire character aliould liscita uod by talciniinto ieW the vliola series os evenis comprehendedin the poem The mine inser ation tul apse in other pedi

ny accordin to Homer indiserodotus, per nea lyalilce. Besore uio Trojan itar, piratica expossitions roni Gmeo in Asia, an stoin Asiario Greece, Ware the commonenterpriae os uae adventiamus apiriis os the age, vlio carritata men, omen, hudren, and caule It also revi into ahshion sor ille leader in Mige pon beatitises Womenis litoravit, ut a,luctionis v honi vitas a matter os pride andriuinpti torui successsul marauder Herodotus, in his First Book, mentions severa instances. In consequenc os thiam os illium Tyndarias, hingis Sparta, required os ille chie nins ivlio Mughi his dis ter in marriage, to b d thenisvivea isellanditat the would unito in restor lier, aliould aholt nole in esia lanne honi uio viabant os lier o, ico.


tiori, and the custor is War sanctione Pthio morollas facis uvi