Homērou Ilias: The Iliad of Homer

발행: 1844년

분량: 446페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


ari invention os man.

Tlius the ainhoris the Ilia erine i very greM Qvantagessor the poetical handi gis his subject an his genius Wason a levet Mitti hi situation. v. aliould no expect in the

mori os an early met, ut various humor an characters.llicli Movi ut os modern society; ut re alial find in Homera ondersa muter in the delineationis suc character as long to the heroic age. The variolis personages os the Iliadcomeri tity besore us; ve se them et, vestiea them speah; but te Deither memor hea the migiat conjuror vlis has summone theni amund ua. 'Εvero hero bears himself throughoiit oonsistently si it the eadincide os his o vn character. There is no confusion no contradiction, no indistincines in the acenio representations Theooyage, ille councit, the babu fiald the atorni are ali describe Wicla equilio er. truth, and knowledge. The hospitable enteriainnient, the eloquentdebate, the warnithis hiendalaifi, the love os colantry, ait thelia inessis domestio lise, are depicted villi a varnithis coiboring vhicli aliovis the familiarit an son ines os ne ullo has known them all. The speeches os the ambassatior in thetentis Achilles the lamentis Agamemnon ver his Woundedhrother, the interviev betv Een Hector and Andromache, thevisit os Priam to the Grecia camp, the aliori but mos an, maliniliarangue os Achilles largin tho Greelcs to immediatebatiue aster the reconciliation, villi numberlemithera display the transcendentinius an consummato knowled os the


anlian nia ner, sinserimatha in relation to sto inanimi sint, ullioli areis necessar to sati cita innat aspirianans andis illustraterim idea, the sollo ing romia os Achilles aro m


been sufficient utentio sive in his hin os illustration hoonimentator o the ancient clamica Parn persuadet thata inanis classical aste, vlio aliould malle a caresul aurve os Grecce, and Mud hier presem lan=age, superstitions, cu tonis, traditions and antiquuies v illi his single object in vlew, Guid do more t illustrate uis beauti is her ancient literature re me uncertainties, and reatore 'he hias tost is, pression os forneis her choices genas, than the acutes nim lcould do by the researches os the loset, aide by the nosteritica eruditisn. very hil in Graece is venerable Qui poetic associations and beautilat superstitioris. Thelantis os every rive have a magical attractio in the nienior os invis Whoi ou miniis are unito by eversit os learning and byevery charan os sabulous o historica reno tria. very tree has linen deseritis in ille language of the poet an Lovery breegelias been immortaliae in his aptito an sonorous line Theclear aueam os Grecia metr has reflected in images that never Willatae, every seature os ille lovely eountrythrough Whiclii M. tauriniuste classic agos. In regar to the poeu os Homer, this in particulari true. The pictures h liis draMnuitii suchainrisalled simplicity, life and beauty,are the combin tions and reproductions os Menes tith Whicla his os in Bye Wassamiliar, t .hicli his οwn heari vas bound , rom thicli his ovin imagination gathere the choices materials so the buit Ling upis his poetio an Leve during vortil. r. vo 'a d



ν The poet' pu pose, thich, as totain the strutat os Wavering indecision in theseople, tistracte bet Bael a Benmos honor an os danger, arul alternatet resolvin tora o tostay, s no doubi completet satisfie in the genera imago, Whicli liminalces iis os ut though his ineaning utent nosarilier, Pana noctem os opinion, th t upon his occasion, his imagination fugaested in hini a storni vhich he had seen; an having ni seis had more than once an opportunit os ol servin froni the coasi os Ionia the truth os this picture inmer circumstance, I cannot hel ovincitis an ilistanceis iste poei' constant originalis anne os eoinposition, Whichsaithlalty though perhaps in his case inadvertently recalistheriinriges, that a particular traicin appearance osmaturΘhad strongi limpressed umn his yo illisu sanoy retaining thes me loca associations, whicii accompanted his firri arm


noantur ab initio uati, ut cantum praecipiat do cladi tis ad Ilium Aestillis miri consequutis P 73. Venit in concior uni Achivorum Chryses AEacerdos Apollinis, filiam suam redeuiptumis, bello nuper caprum, et honoris ausa datam Agamemnoru 8-2l . Illo vinci oti,inia repulso funeatam litem Apollo Per exercitum parii 22-5M. Habet concionem Achilles ob placari turn deum in qua Calcha vates calamitate eos levatumari reducenda Chrγseide censet, auctor imprimis Achivo53 12'. Ita irritatus Agamemno atrocia auritia noetit innAeliaue et Chrysae visoni filiam reddere non minusat, diali, quod praemiiun virilitia retulerat Briseidem eripit, Iam-via Uitente Nestore 130-311 ε 31E-347). Hac incena induria statuit acer auuesnis se cuin yrinicionibus a belli meietate riunmre quod propositum a matre Hua Thetid eo firmatur, quae et supplicanti ultionein pronaittu 34ου-42M. Interea publice lustratur exercitus, et sacra fiunt Apollinr 312-3ID: tuin Chryseis domui reducitur una cum Mina iacularibus auibus inpolatia Melus expiatur 428- D. 'laetidiciam Olympum adeunti Iupiter occulta annuit. Vio-torea in proelii soro Troaanoa, donee Achilli ab Actavia sati saetuli saerit 488-533). Iunonem, infestam Troianis P gunt haec lanaestina consilia ind rixatur eum Jove superemnam 534-667 . Ea re contristatur omnis eo eas ladeo in suo tandem a viaritatem sed ita viiloantis


κιλλαν τε ζαθέην Ihνέδοιό τε ἶφι ανάσσεις, Σμινθευ εἴποτέ τοι χαρἱενς επὶ νενον ερεφα,


ν δ' ἀπαμειβόμενος - ἐφη πόδας κ. ' ιλλεύς'

- Θαρσησας μάλα ειπε θεοπρόπιον O,τι οἶσθα fΟυ μα γὰρ Ἀπόλλωνα Λί φίλον, ωr συ, κάλον,

- μενος Λαναῶσι θεοπροπιας αναφαίνεις,