장음표시 사용
Cii tuleruni fuit in nredios si urire dies et
Ad strepitum citharae cessatri u ducere curarm.
42 I. τοῖσιν, c. OdysSeus and the princes. l. 26. ἄμφὶ πυρὶ, as xv say, mn the sire. The reposition is accurately used a ille leg of tiae tripod enclo se ille re. οἱ - sor
an Apollo sor his hil on ine Πe. O perhaps in referenceris to Apollo a prophet, Who has reveale lao hirn the tria in os in storie he
l. 551. Pis ille relativerim in urbe sunt, quique circa habitant.
l. 556. τιτυσκόμεvαι φρεσὶ, 'Tu os iniit in thei nainds. The sta ipsos ille Phaeacians 'eie suppo sed to be iste ivitii intelligeiace. illae the canoe in ille legendis Hia vallia.
used personali in II. p. Ossi 5. , and a. 7o. In Atti Greel μέλει
Samh. called later Cephallenia is in modem Cephalonian Zac3 illaus is no v Zant : Dulichiunt, probahly one of the Echinades at themio uin os the Achelous una have been oine aster vard to ille mainland by the