장음표시 사용
Ter eonatus ibi collo dare bracchia circuma Teri mira comprema nantis Υιgit imago. Par Imibus ventis volti reique simillima somno.
I. 253 - l. 4. 435. I. 255. θεράποvτε Διὸς- cings, a Zeus is the representative lang. Warrior are callectis. Ἀρηοs, Il. 2. PIO. l. 256. Iolcos, no v οἰοὶ, in capital of the Aeolidae, la in ine Estrictis Masmesia in Thessaly. l. 57. ora' ἄρ' - Neleus. l. 258. o is τερουS, i. e. ine ther children' Whom Sti bare, laetare to Cretheus Cp. οἱ ἄλλοι Od. I. 26. l. 26o. τη δὲ μέτα sost illa in vero. Asopus, a ver in Boeotia. The Mundin an sorti si in o Thebes by Amphion and Zethus is an olde legent an in one xvlites assigris ine ac to ad mas uni ess vesuppo se in lippe city Καδμεία to hi the vork of ille lalter, and Thebes η κάτω πόλιs of the forme r.
l. 2 7 . ἄφαρ δ' ' Α once aster in union ste God inadesine matter
l. 3II. Perii aps thecause of thei brae lise μινυνθαδίω ste poet
l. 32 I. Phaedra daughter of in Creta Minos, and wis os Theseus a ster the deain o Hippol3 te. he loventer Step-son Hippolytus, Wihordected her passion The Hippolytus o Euripides is o this subjeci. Procris davgliter os Erechilaeus hin os Athens, and viserio Cephalus
Ariadne daughter of Minos an Pasiphae. Sh loved Theseus, and follo vel hirn on his ob age Dona Crete, but was cilled by Artemis onthesisland of Dia. l. 32 . γε μἐv ri a sata to talae' imper as carn in oss 'hil la laadio o of her. The legend is no identica xvith stat of the desertio os Ariadne by Theseus in Dia Naxos and the love of Dionysiis sor aer. The Di here naine musto, in litile istand Alandia to the norin os rete. l. 325. μ ρτυρ no L. Perilapsi insorination that he had yiel len
l. 373. Odyss. V. 33o thought ille nisi sar pent Alcinous, in his eagernes to listen says it i long et, infinitet long dθέσφ. .
l. 393. ιλλ' οὐ γὰρ 'tui me could notio it sor, etc.
NOTES.I. I 8 Ioin ὀλοφυραό κε θυμῆ μάλιστα.
l. 5 2. εἴρovτο δὲ κ . . sciscitabantur vero de suis quaegris cura S, i. e.
abolit inei objects of interest in ine lappe ivori l. iner render εἴροντο, narrabant, solio vincine Scholl. l. 5 3. mav νίκην vίκησα, ο φιλεῖν φιλότητα, Od. 5. 2 5. δικαζόμ. , desen Engon right.' l. 5 6. θηκε, sui stem p as a rige . Aster ine deat os Achilles. Thetis offere his arinour Il. 18 to in greatest hero os in Greel S. The clati lay betv een Odysseus and Nax. The decision vas referredio in captive Trojans v. 5 7), Who declare so Odyssetis. Thisversion bein positioineric ine line 5 7 is generali rejecte l).
l. 598. Notice in rhythmi these lines descril)ing the lox laborious ascentis in stone and iis rapi an boundinidescent. Vith Evαιδ's,
NOTES. and batiles and layings of men. Manli xvho reasule Lup ine designa