The Parian Chronicle

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 269페이지


분류: 미분류


Lyeatas. The lauer mas of an ambitious mPenterprieting clia..ractera me grandson of the foriner, and the facter of inlus, Deucalion, Androgeus, Glaucus, Phaedra, and Ariadne Banter, Methol vol in p. si Diod Sic. l. iv. p. 263. Die tui elue cities of Attica vere Cecropis, Tetrapolis, acina, Decelea, Eleusis, Aphydna Thoricus, Brauron, Cytheriis, Sphetrus, Cephissa, and Phaleriis Theseus, it is seid, collected iam,

ιις μιαν πολιν, into ne i , Whic, mi Athens. Strab. l. ix. p. ρo9. Pausan. l. ni. c. a. Ille vicatim dispersos cives suos, in inetur urbem contraxit. Val. Max. l. V. c. 3.' Πολιτειαν και την νεοκρατιαν, i. e. πολιτειαν δημο- ... Mai ruire in . Mind. p. 63o.


Αθηναια ηρξε. Rus enim pars aedificari prius est coepm, quo t-pore se an uni tisagdiratum mens, Athenis praefuit. hucyd.

l. i. i M.

Doctui est erulea hum to prove stat Themaeocles .as lethon. anda tua the fortifications of the Piraeus in ea ear Rr the Har


to reform iste nomes of me anciendi, and

37. Since Sappho stiled stoin Mitylene to SicilBHying .... 328J Iears, Critias Dine

od authori , stetit Themistocles, e celebrate i cominander, v everris archon ponΠaus Admitting, inat he vina an inferior magistrate, in sonae piece ling ymae, me domo find that the Piraeus vias fortisted id the ear 77, 3 vhen Assimantus Wain Mison. Diodorus, C. Nepos, Plutat cla Pausanias, and severi oster Writers relate, that tris voin vas undeleta n AFTER. in cori A sion of the Persia vitar. Diod. l. i. p. 32. C. Nep. in v. hemist. c. 6. Plut in V. Themist. p. Iar Pausan. l. i. c. a. Iam ineresere incline i to thinlc, fiat the fore in passiim in Thucydides is a I have atready intimated an interpolation. Σεμνεμαχησεν, cum Lacedaemoniis militavit -Tyriaeus, a lanae,erach -braine poet, vas sent by the Athenians to cunnian uis Spartan armΥ.


sq. Since sine 'inianygarnes urere againces rateri in Hiich in conqueror recesued em 'Isaabyears, Damasias ste secondi belaxarchon ait Astens. o. ince comedies mera carried in caris bime Icariansa, Susation ire iste inventor, id ine fir priete proposed vas a basicra offigs, an a nasi esse of Wine, a. Ieara,

. . . . bein archon at Athens.

honi a defre of seietiniste riches, eontaineis in ste temple of Apollo. Plut in v. Solonis, p. 83. Simon sive Simonides archon. I. Ρ. 412 f. Clu'. 39o Corsin. ' Danaasias ΙΙ. archon. I. P. ras bes. M. 38s Id. r Icaria o Icarius, a lites borough, or, a Benile calis it aeountn parissa. ' in Attica Athen. l. n. l. o. Dissere on . , 8 p. 1 7. The v ord τυραννος, tyrant, among the Greelcs, signifiexa person, vilio had by an means acquirecta foveream authoclini a republica state, though he aster variis exercise his authoiit uiui justice and virtve. his uvas the case of Pisistratius Gelo, and his Mother Hiero Sonae vere evenaalse scio in dignit os tyrant, bya voluntar decree of theseople. lutarcii mentions particularly Υynnondas thus elected by the Euboeans, and ittacus by the Mitylenaean andae ad is that the Athenian would have thus electet Solon Plut De his qui sero, c. p. 53 I. Id. in . SO-ionis, p. s. The word τυρ- ις, or τυραννος, does notiecur in in poenas of Homerior Hesiod, and probat lywas notised in ei time. tris eni- played in a favourabie sense by Euripides, in the Supplices by Nistophanes, clio calis Jupiter, θεα τυραννος, ub act. i. c. a bysophocles in Oedipus Tyrannus by Plato, in his Aντιρας α , 8 hy schines, in in Allowing passage : τρεις εισι πολίτεια . . ut ν-


peculiariter vocam δασκαλον ipsos dithyriimbo in aut comoediariana, aut tragoediarum poetas. Harpocration. Suidas The Latin inriter adopte thia mode os expression Livius, qui priniuas ibulam docuit. Cic. de Clar orat L a. Cum Thyestem fabulam docuisset, mortem obiit Ennius. Ibid. 8. Cum restem fabulam doceret Euripides. Cic. Tusc. l. v. 43. Epist ad Attic. l. i. t. De Senect. o. I . Hor de Ari Poet. ver. 288. A. Gen. l. xvii. i. Casaubon oves the folio vinguesion for this pluas Studiorum ea fuit quondam ratio, ut maxina eruditionis pars in drauriaticoriam poetamini, ac praesertim comicoriim, lectioriae et intelisentia pondi editi . Inde puriorem Hellanismum, inde notitiam eorum, viae in republica reant gesta, inde vitam Minore pri


moriana civitat, Atheniensium hauriebatu. Cassiub in Athen.

l. i. c. 7.


so. Since Simonides meia adnister of Simonides in poet, he also eing. me sciesJ at Athens ν and Darius dies, am, Xerxes his se reigns, 22611 ra, Aristides S being archon at Athens.s I. Since AEschyliis ste poet sirst Minedine victor in tragedy, and Euripides ste

sa Since Xerxes sorane a radge of boat omine Hellespont, and cut a naviga- Ne canalythrous Amos, and iste batties vas fought in Thermopsae, an me sta-Mlit by the Greelcs at Sesainis, against e Persiam,


sq. Since Alexander ed, and his son

63. Since