장음표시 사용
δοκις. Ingens enina fax in coelo multis noctibus ardens apparuit, quae propter figulam ignin trabs appellata fuit Diod Sic. l. v. p. 363. Aristocle telisis, stat in in archonfisi os Aristaeus, μεγα α ρ ε νη, Π ama stella apparuit. Meteor. l. i. c. . orsini inintcs, that Aristaeus stiould beinstitu and thai ste truthoro me Cru onicie, Diodoriis, and Aristocle alivile to the sanae phenomenon. The δοκι πυρση, ignea inuas, or fiex bearn, ras undoubtecllytheriau of a comet.
76. Since in Phocaean prunisis thetemple o Delphi, Myreari, Cephisodorus 77. Since Timotheus, avin live so years dies, and Phili fissi sonD Amyntas
78. Sine Alexander sine son Vibiis
' Pluttu cli, Iustin, and offer uritres, inserimus, that Alexarulerunt bomi a the time of the celebrationis die Olympic ines. The bire of Alexander inereseremould have been place in steprecedin y- namely the first year of the VI Olympiad Plui. in V. Nex. p. 666. JuΦ. . u. c. 16. Eusebius is o tW of thesa- error. Claron. p. 134.
TH Parim ironiele, innuve on a martile et of considerable extent, is supposed is have been wrium 26 aera laesere ine Christia aera . nais perie state, it containe lis chronologica deis of the principes event of Graece, diuin a perio of 13r8
and Homeriis tragicus. arietes de Gen. Lycoph. edit. 6ox.
abilities in emptassiniste Greel iiiscriptio . Sestin
ain stylia himself inLatin, Patiricius Iunius, and Richata
The nex inoming these gentiemen inet in Am leti gardens, and cominencia ei operations by cleaningetur Lexamininime mariae, containingite lingue, diichine ciues of Sin m. vivi Masineta interia into, in is
Uur of Seleucus Callinicus, cing of Syria, Aster W s, me procoede to me aria Chronicie, andocte inscriptions. The folio vin year Sesdein publi&ed a mali volume in quarto, includin t vent)mnino Graia, and ten Latininscriptions copied froiit, in Nes, wissi a translation
Matinora Mindelliana sive saxa Graece incisa, ex venerandis priscae Orientis gloriae riuisvinis au spiciis et impensis herois illustrissimi, hornae, Comitis nimielliae et Sirenae, comitis narescatu Angliae, pridem vindicat in in aedibus ejus hortis. que cognominibus, ad Thamesis ripam, disposita.
Meodunt inscriptiones aliqμα veteris Latii ex lom. pletissim Hai m venistatis stinum sese e Auc.
sau tolum item aliundessumtum. Pessicinit et commentariolos adjecit
mae tam si ultra dimidiam partem eomam conficiunt, quae insignissimus Ammielliae cornes collegerat caeterii, sim tempore nuperi imi belli civilis incendii, in hortis Mindellianis Londini, pulsis inde donlinis, diu neglecta)acuerint, ain fureian sumpta, aut servorum ne Mntia cormpta, aut a lapicidis ad reficiendas sedes adhibita, in mamum res literariae damnum, amittuntur. Prid. aeren Oxon. praef. . ix. . 1 HENRxmo ARD .as cte secomisanos Henryearl of Ariin-m alno mentione l. in os bori in bas. In i 664 , he seu oui