장음표시 사용
vi de himsely 1 own The passive nas here the orce of the naidusse. Cf. 208 I. -τῶ Φαραὼ irmitς φανερόν - εν ψυχαῖs ἐβδομηκοντα πέντε. Sonae of heaeS commentator Suppi συνισταμένην bia Bloomstantiis fauit viil the ellipsis us ein to arbitrary, and Nould talce εν in the sense of σύν. Cf. Viner,4 44. c. As to the discrepunc in the iamber lentioned here an in Gen 6, 26, 27, thebest mode of removincit is to include in the computationis Stephen, thefive sons os anasset, and Epitra in boni iningui, and to suppose laena omitted in the talenient of oses It is a Solution quite unsatisfactory, t Suppos that he vives of Iacob' sons are include in his accounto Stephen, as refereno is ad evidenti to the linea descendant os
tion O tne tenti, eloquent parallel passage ma bes solan in
καὶ νυν .... ἴγυπτον. Stephen nere signifies his belles in the divine legation o Moses, and thus consules the charge made in , 14. Vs. 35, 36. ιν ηρwhσαντο, thor the rejecte a liberator. s. v. 27. - τουτον is ei planticali repente d. Se N. I, 2I. - ἄρχοντα καὶ λυτρωτεν, a leader an delinerer. λυτρωτη i properi one uno paVS a ransor sor ne redemption other, nd ence a re.
V, 47-50. δε is here strongi adversative. David desilaedri initia
dererS, κύριε .... ταύτην LOrd, place not against thran i. e. unpute not