Praxeis ton Apostolon. The Acts of the apostles;

발행: 1878년

분량: 300페이지


분류: 미분류


Κmn confirmet thus : πνεύματα γαρ κάθαρτα ἐκ πολλῶν τῶν χύντων


αυτά), βοῶντα μεγάλη φωνὴ ξερχετο. I Would e a rore naturailronStriaction O Imalce πολλῶν τῶν ἐχόντων depenu on ξηρχετο. s. 16, 39. US. -l3. Ἀξιστῶν, istonistringi liter alty maxing them Deside


llis violent and unimente dea th. Vs. 34, 35. ἀποκριθεὶς iso De resereed a tne queStion propOSed by Philip in v. 30. - δέομαί σου S. β 200. 3. - περὶ τερου ne preposition is repeate in consequence of the disjunctive vhicn naalces


197 2 , ne person spolien o Dein considereid o sui oscine inino

accuSative O person τὰ συναγωγα - ne asse nolles convene in inc


is pii by ame Draisi for an asticinative a lue I l . - ἰδo γαρ 'no φυχεται revenis to Ananias the spiritua condition Os Saul, an ut εἶδεν ει οράματι κ. . . inat Saul va notiste omnis conting. It is metonseotis

inere re t mal e προσεύχεται καὶ - προσευχόμενος SQ done Dy OInectati S. - ὁ κύριος i. e. nriSt. - εὐθεῖαν, Stra M. ni stre et lans continue under ne Same ante to ne present day It mans in acvirect in stom ne easteri to ne vesteri gate, a distance of abola inree


βιβάρων, demonstra tingi comparing the predictions of the old Testannent vitii their ulniment in Christ. - ἡμερα τε καὶ νυκτός. i. I96. In respectrio lae hin liere polcen os cf. 2 Cor. 11, 33. - διὰ τοῖ

κατα is inployed vitii vests, o denote irectioni oni the interior to

V S. 31-34. αἱ μεν οἶν ἐκκλησίαι,. . . itne the persecution adspent iis force, the principa mena Ders of the chiarchiavin been lalven into the lanciis, and ne of the leadin persecutor havin been converte i, o the civit coria motions, restillino Don the orcle os Caligula to et


-- στρῶσον, e. κράββατον.