장음표시 사용
and Silas. oin the ac that the nari utive is carne ser vari in thethird person, it uould appea that Silas eniatne a Philippi.
US 1- την Ἀμφίπολιν Amphipolis vas situ aled ne a thema outho the Stryimon, pono sit nox called armara f. Leake' Noreh. Gr. Ol. III. p. 183. - Ἀπολλωνίαν. Apollonia lay on the directrout fron Amphipolis o Thessalonica by the pas os Arethusia. f. Liealce' Norin. r. Vol. III. 458 , bout a Glay' jom ne froni thetorine pluce. - Θεσσαλονίκην. his ity, silua ted ut theaea lis ille Sinus Thernanicus, vas the capital of the se concit listi ic o Macetania, and the residenc os the Ronaan Iovenior. It is nox called Salonica, and contain about 80,000 inhabitanis It is the eat of earnin and
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expresse in Englista, vi thout impastin ille delicat Alia de os indesinite-nes xvhien is conv0yed in the oririnal. σπερμαλόγos, aut a pite rassub
Vs 1 3. Κόρινθον. The siluatio an celebrat of this cit is tοο velltcno vn to nee an deseription. at the tinae vhen the postle ventthither, it vas the residenc os the proconsul os Achaia. -τ γενει. See m. in , 36. - διὰ το διατεταχεναι . . . Paul visiteat Corinth a Dout A. D. 52, the date of this edici vas pribabi abolit A. D. 50, i. e. in the ninthis tenthoear of the rei gn f hauditis. - ὁμότε χνον, of the fame trade. The hin os trade is inde Dioxv in ἡσαν