장음표시 사용
It Wil bo se that in os applicatio of the justice of the Stato to te humM1 ovi, his description os σο ροσύνη Is erynearly identical a ut stat of δικαιοσύνη here oesy the different palis os tuae human ames, here describe t aa βέλτιον in χειρον 481 . , ara there surther elaborate into three, Vla. λογιστικόν, θυμοειδὲς, an ἐπιθυμητικόν Aristotie' stiriaior in the Potities,l: I i. hap. V. ac med is simila to the present one,-ἐν ταμν ses. ψυχη ἐστὶ φύσει τὶ μὲν ἄρχον τι δὲ ἀρχόμενον - μέραν e αμὲν Iναι ἀρετ ν οῖον του λόγον ἔχοντο καὶτολαόγου.
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εἶναι . . . . ἐὰν μὲν αυτῶν η γηται μαθία, μείζω κακὰ ωπι τῶν ἐναντίων, σφ δυνατώτερα πηρετεῖν ηγουμένν κι κ ἔντι.