장음표시 사용
viti vis simile of the son iuuetuing the Ather, Inambe comparod a considerable par of the in asis Aristophanes V ll. 1321, MEI. In Xenophon, Mem 1 2 49, the cham is notieed a iust Socrates, as in the passage reserre io in the Glaucis, thraa, heen unge in Vor Vices victi he condemiis here an in Book
Socrates la carotii is insist upo in itisserenos botmeen the devoti and the despoliea. man. Glaucon is deceived by Socrates' proposaici 557 B. κελεύοιμεν ἐξαγγέλλειω πῶ ἔχει ευδαιμονίωκαὶ ἀθλιότητος ὁ τύραννδ . ut to liscove the concilio of the τύραννον, Socrates vili passismi through a description of the oon ditionis the τυραννικός ,ιώτηx.
v.f. 472 and 73, .g. ἐὰν Ios τε γενώμεθα εὐρεῖν Asa ἐπι τατα των εἰρημενων πόλι οἰκήσειεν, φάνα ημῶς ἐξευρηκέναι ς δυνατα