장음표시 사용
ning of in translation, turn ine participies of the a lata, by toa ιμπ or erran an ille veλ; but, furit,ex m. into ablative absolute Ivlien I cannot have ine Latin partisse me of the preter tens es a Verbi ouent as an . locu
tua. ἐπιχειρήσας adoraua, ere.
the istianua, by Wayii pre-eminence. I vili sive nennei theae rapta o tho laces mentioned in ineae malogues, uor ine atomes relatins to the proper names of men, or moa γ'ν ause the geo raptares an placeris neve learn ea to anysurpose, but by eps and the stories, congerila men antl ginis, re for the vim pari, to beriound indietionaries. et is an oscinese falae or historie areno to beriound in ine common dictionaries, or labe senseor aut os an pari Mane texi requires a Parilaulat