장음표시 사용
tonice. The ope leSSnes of his passion rought in nigh to cieath, when his ather earne the cause of his fallin health, an gave ini Stratonice to xvife mal in him a the sanae time cing of the provincesbeyon the Euphrates Lucia distoris the facts here by implying that
the Egyptians olae tractici cing of the Phoenicians the re ebooter of the Cilicians 'heiogging of in Spartans the litigiousnes of the Athenians laeo. ὁ Λάκων ἐμαστιγοῖτο cf. Anach. 38. Referen ce is ad to ille frightful loggin inflicted pon boys at the altar of Artemis to inure
totidem, pater optime, dixi, tu mihi da cives, et inania moenia reple
Adspicio, ignoscoque adeunt, regem Ue Salutant . . . . MyrmidonaSque Voco, nec origine notiaina fraudo.'
Cleanthes in the presidenc of the Stoi school. He is calle the secondsounder of Stoicism; speciali distinguiShed for his critica acutenessand logical o ver Consult Zeller Stoics, Epicureans, an Scepti f. 'Chrysippus ourishe later than enippuS, ve have here a light anachronism. 25. 13. θυρίδες δε σαλέξ's the liuimor of the folio ving
Quid causae est, merito quin illis Iupiter ainbas iratus buccas inflet, neque Seriore posthac tam facilem dicat, votis ut praebeat aurem