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Ts objectis thia litu volume icto place in thahand os Gree studendi in the Unite States a bookwhic ma exhibit the present state of tho Greehlanmage a spolien and writte by cultivate men, and the character of the popular languam, as exhi, ited in thos simple an beautiful poems, the Meph-tio ballada, and the festive song os Christopoulos. The elections have been ad mit particular referene to the histor an conditionis Greece. have limited myseis to a se. authors, an have inhenoni passage bearing mn the subjeci, an havinga interest an value of themselvea. Os the numerous disco se desivere o Various occasiona Ιhave selecte oni tmo Both, I hinh, are distinguishe so their eloquenoe, and the great intereatina attaches to the memor of those hom theycommemorate. Their authors ure among the osteminent os the living Greeha - the ne in Tricoupes, haring persorme a prominent par in the evolution, and the other, Μr Argyropoulos having been longis leading rosessor os the La in the Univedi
os Foreig Affatu. His Funera orationis Costas Boisares, I hear myseis It is here printe hom acopy hic he had the goodnescio presen to meat the time, it correctiona b his o naand. The se. Edephtio ballada here offere to the readerare suo as exhibit the tone os thought an seelingamong the imple an hard peopte in the midat of
hom the spontaneousi spran up o suo ascelebrate heroea an heroi acta during the uinishdomination and the war of the Revolution o account oscit historica importanoe a meli as ita maditia spirit, I regarde the War-Son o Rhega as a Muniesos to these train o native poetU. The grace an gayet os Christopoulos, an his delicate poetica genius, induce meri end the volume mith a se specimens of the anacreonti song os thiari
dent mill sin se* diffouities, excepi in the dialectio
peculiaritie of the popular poetry, o the tithesis omisolat an other persons, hic belong Whollyrio modern histor The queationis Gree pronunciation is a mooted potnt amon scholars. The earne an valvabielitile booki in Sophocles, o the Gree Alphabet,
combines ali the information hic canis extracted hom the ancientsin the subjecti Whether his system, o that os the Greelis in Athens at the presentday, o the old-ωshione pronunciatio prevalent in our schoias, and Varying With countries an degreea
o latitude, hould bo hosen in eachin Ancient Greeli, re question on hic much may be aid Without arrivio at an positive result. ut Ι suppos there an e no doub os the expedieno ofteachingmodern Gree in connectio mith the nolent, a the principat angvage no spolien in the East os Europe and west os Asia, as a curious and Verninterestin monument of the nationat vitalit olthe Hellent race, a the organis thei rapidindevel- opiniliterature, and a the 4nstrument os public instruction, hic has attaine so surprising a gro thin.themelleni hin omisino the evolution Thialanmage a least ought to e taught mit the r nunciatio of theseople ho rite an spea it, houserit in society in the pulpit in the legislative assembly the prosessos chair, and the publio press. Dolose thisiresace mith the solio in passage homone os the chapter added by me to Smithys Historyos Greece, on the state os education and the languageos Greece. AElo a the progress of Greeco has Men in materialoivilization, her ea sor educatio an litoraturo iamin aur- passed by the mos enlightone nations in the worid. hau seen that ne of the preparations for the evolution a a rapid improvemon in the schoois, an a largo increaseos thei number. During tho a the provisiona govern-menta neve lost uight of this subjeci, an Count apo D'latria gave tori much of hi attention Tho regeno os inhoorganized tho system os public educatio more thoroughlythan ad previously been done Tho Greeks also mised large sum by private subscriptions an is loca taxes. Ρrinco Demetrius pselantes test his holo fortune to Munda schoo in auplia, hic annuali educates severa hundred eholars. an school sor giris have been stablished in disserent paris os Greee Thor aro tW or three
in Athenari ne unde the charge os adamomano, a sisteros Alexander avrocordatos; another, the lauatly amouantissionar achoo os ou countryman, Dr. Hili, hic hasbeen os incalculabi service to the women os Greece. riuvat school nouris in the principa towns. ut doubilem the mos characteristic eatur is the scheme o public education, as viso exista in the vatem os public choola. Under his system are, Q. The emotio, o schoola ofmutua instruction, in hic are aught reading, Wriling, arithmetic Wit the elements of history geography, naturalphilosophy, - , t both boys and giris. 2. The Hellenicachoola, in hic are tau i in addition to tho surther studyos the a ve-enumerate branches, the elementa of the - cient Gree grammar, an translationa rom Ancient into
Nodern Gree and tho Latin and French languages. 3. The Gymnasia, in hic the Latin and Gree are continuod, Wii philosophy, logic ethica, physios, generat history, at ematiore geography, and the renoli, German, and Englishlangvages. 4. The Universit os tho, hic is organized
with ou deparimenta, o faculties, - philosophy, theology, medicine, an laW. cording to the reporta os 1853, morethan sori thousand child ren ero augh in tho Demolicschoois in the Hellent achoois, more thanisve thousand; in tho Gymnasia, Wo thousand in the Universi , aboves, hundred - in ali amountinxto a ut fisty thousand Ismo ad the scholam os the numerous private ac olf this number ill e considerabi incremed. here ero in 1853 iure hundre an te school os mutua instruction, eighty-five Hellent schoois, and aeve Gymnasia Besides these there is urieachem school, a nava school, an agricultura school, an a polytechnic school. The University, organized in 1836, has a corps os nearly sori professore, unda excellent librar os eight thonsan volumes Among the professor are en Who ould do honor to any ur pean university. The Venerable Ampios expoundamomor
.it the vivacit os a Nestor. The lectures os hilippos Iohannis, o mora philosophy, are admirabie so purit os