Selections from modern Greek writers in prose and poetry

발행: 1857년

분량: 242페이지


분류: 미분류


atylo an olearnes of method. Rangabe exmunda the fine arta missi leamin and taate. anouae lectum eloquentlyonaisun y. Pericles Argyropoulos,mow tho Ministerit Fodieign Maiars, is a mos ablo proso or of tho laW. roseasor Κontogone is prosoundi verae in Biblica litoraturo, and expounda tho Hebro Scriptures is numerous an attentiveolamea. an othera mightae mentione in torma os greatandriuat commendation. Tho Greeli, a spois at in preMnt v, is au in tiali tho langvago stat a spolien in the Alexandrine and Byzantino peritas an ita proservation is ne of the oat surprisin instances os tenacious nationali . ut thermam important distinctiona belWeen the ancient an modem, Whichyomout os changes in the tructum, nouem stan modificationa os the meaning os Worda Nearly at the worda nouempine is educate Greeha aro the amo Worda that vero used by thei ancestora; ut in gramma of the languago iam orn. From the time os Homer doWn is aicor evencenturie aster Christ though the langvago undement many modifications it rotaine unctange ita essentia characteriatium an sor a stili longe period, namely, to tho iddiei the fiftioni contury the grammatica atructuro of tho langvage, as employed in literature, a viil undisturbod although tho combinationis rhythm and accentia somo time fore cinae to mar tho pronunciation Thia perio om-braces a utri en -fivo hundred years. In the angvago spolienanthe common eoplo the oldsyatem os grammatical forma- perhaps neve existing in ita


im reum uae os proposition to exprea tho relations oto ea, inatoad os expressing thema change of terminationi tho orda. 3. The disappearanco quantit a thoprincipat rhythmical lomen in poetica composition, and tho substitution Paceent, as in the offer modem langunges, and perhapa the introductio of rhyme. 4. Various changes and corruptiona in the ound of the vovet an diphthongs,ospeciali tho representing the long ea si different letterao combinations os levors, M, , οι, ι, hic originalty, without doubi mero distinguishod rom ac oster. In theauco sive period of the occupationis Graeco by Romana, Gotha, Stavonians, rench, and uas, many orda homtho languam os thea racea ound a temporaryd gementi tho Grook; ut at the present da the havo early alidisappo e frum the languag of good mete . Among the noducated eople, as in allisther e nutes, numero eorruptiona an vulgatriam prevail; ut no more than in England France an Germany Tho generat haracter of the languam is the ame ut Constantinoplo, Athens, Thebes,

and Delphi.

- hero iam au eet in hic moro attention is give in the whoolai Greec stan the language. The present Hellonos are liko the molia os vid in his respect no mali par of the usineas of education is devote to tho mollier languo. I Wil readilyrae per ived that the language of the great od os tho Hopleris a popular languam, and assueh, dissam a Dod ea Dom stat spolien in cultivate so-oio . t Will ala bo Mily underatood that the state otthings unde tho Tucta a no favorabio to tho cultivation


an maintonane o purit o speech, ister amon tholearnodis the niearne clamem an ono os sto firat ear os tho scholam ho inspire the eountr Wit the ope a regoneration a is aulo the principies of the languam, hic Wa no oni corrupte by the admixtum os soreignWorda, but emeedingly irregula in ita forma and ehaotio inita constructions Comes a thorarat an sto ableat o these resormera an his vatem a been solio ed, missimmo modificationa by the majorit os hi educated eountrymen. t recogni a the form an principies of the Gree. a modern language, but pro se to Bule the sagmandi

ris tho languam ho Turhish, Italian, and thor soroimmixtures, is au tituling Worda os Giee derivation sor themintrusive lamenta Thero neve Was a timo Whenisve thopopular speech as in in byria the reater partis ita Morda an phrasea genuino Greeh. Some of the more enthusiastic in their classicia eteal hope to restore tho languam absolutet ascit .a spoken by Demosthenes. r. Buchon, With pleasant exaggeration, say Philolognis tho passionos ali tho Gree studenta, in Whateve depariment. Α physician, an advocate, a prosemor, has osten beoom a ministeros stato. causo Misa a good mastor of his language. Gree grammarcia a the basis an summit os ali instruction Not content Mith havin eliminate altrio eig Worda tho Atheniana endeavor is approach the ancient languam a near a possibie in orda, in forma, in theshape of phrasea, an in inversions Tho pal in o Gree philolog mare to tho conquest os a grammaticalsorm ascito a te province The dativo ad disappeared, they have mised it Domih tomb the oria ha beennearly extingui ed - ali are Mehin to reatho into it a Wriise at present the naue themselves With tho ardenthope os reconquering the infinitivo, hic had emigrate solong ago. his mas Writte in IMy the processis purifi-


Thero are published in Greec about stiri ne spapera, in or three literaryciournais, an an ambaeological ournal, mos os them Writis Wit talent, and ome, a th Ρanhol- lenion, hic Mas commenco in 1853, quit equa in et ganc os a te an power of argument to the beat ournals of Paris and London. The text- ova sor schoola, Gymnasia, and the Universit are ver numerous, and Wil bear a sa-

place of the persect. The infinitive a neve Wholly lost. t Was antia used With in neuter artici as in the Ancient Greeh, in a substantive sense Bul the prope infinitive senseris expressed by the subjunctive


vorabie comparison illi thos used in the Ρrussian schools. Thoraist os books printed by the principat publishers, - romelas an Blastos, are surprisingi large. Woas of higher grade than ext-books are eginning to appear. Professor Asopios is publishin a very elaborato histor of Gree literature, andirosessor Rangabes ne o Gree antiquities. The nationa histor is much studied, and severat

it place among the classic of his country.' Mith regar to the poetica development of the natim, there is a distinction to e made etwoen the cultivaledp try and the popular poetV. The forme has not et attaino iis complet growth. et the work of Rhegus, Souisos, Rigos, angabes, ampelios, Zalacostas, an othem, give ricti promise so the poetica literatur of ModemGreece Christopoulos has ritie in the popular dialectnaive and charmin songs, hic depici sto estive id os Hellente liso ith infinite grace an vivacity. at present the mos characteristic seatur in the poetryos tho Greelis is the popular songs. the the ancients the

ple and unpremeditate style. A large proportionis thesesonga exist ni o tho ipsis the eopte mos of themhaving neve been reducedri Writin a all. ho firat collectio ever ad Was by Fauriel, publislied in 1824 and 1825, and tho ballad excite great attentio in Europe. G the, then the undispute monam os Continenta litera-

The number of copies annuali published by Κoromelas, os texbbook so the schoois Gymnasia, and the Universi , amounts o ix hundred thous,nd. t Wo volumes of this excellent,or hine appeared, unde the liue, Ἱστορία της Ἐλληνικης παναστάσεως. Coptous extracis rom his Wor have been inserint in in present volume.


ture, pronounce them the mos genuine poetr os aruessseeling and unsophisticate natur iniur times. Since then, much has been added, commemorativo os the eventa os the War, an severat ther collections have been mado. t Willnotae long, howevor, besore this period os populari try Willhavo passed, and the dialecta in Whichalio songa are composed will have become through the generat distisionis education, obsolet cur sities, sor the reaearche of the mousing antiquarian. The ouot, heresore, to M at me place be-yon the reach os casual . The popula lise, to hichallusion has been mado, includes that of tho Mophis and Armatoleari lis o the istands, a Woli asabo malesand rasse

iis the valleys, a Weli asin the mountainari and the poema

Love an marriage laneruis, easts, the dyin scene, thesorro sor absent love thecios os victor and revenge, thesortitudo hic bear tortures Without a groan, and the Our- ago Whicli defies an davnuessis encounter an verWhelm- in arra os foemen, - these, and very seatur in very

sceno of this popular Hellenic lise, and very seelingis his simple, res Hellent heari, are rhythmicali embodied.

Among them e somelime fin strango echoes os id Gree poetry, stili reverberatin among the mounta s. Charon the serryman os the Styx among the ancients has como a mysterious minister of eath, angin invisibly ove thera med orisWeepiniliae a storm Ver the mountains, o horsebach, With the host os me dea borne athis saddlebo is marchin at his fide. The bitas, hose volae an night ero sui os omen to the ancienta, and whoso knowledge a proverbial in modern poeir armen-dowed With speec an supernatura poWer os vision, and osten appea a collocutor in the abruptly changing dialogue. The measuro in hic mos os these poema aro composed is the accented iambic os fisaee syllabies, without rhyme.
