Speech on the crown. With introd. and notes by Evelyn Abbott and P.E. Matheson

발행: 1899년

분량: 291페이지

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here, there is a note of SarcasIn and whatio m gain in the eno intenta divisio an litin to the state.'μwqσθῶ. Deliberative subjunctive depending on ἀπορω. 120. Δ ὁ πατῆ σου, .τ.λ. Veii Potnis ut that in his speech thelather an mollier of Aeschines both sal into a lo ver clas than


15 τοσούτων τοίνυν και τοιούτων Oντων ω βδελυρω τούτω και ἀναιδεῖων βεβίωται.

ων ε τυχεν is attra ted rom τούτων, ἔτυχεν, and equivalent i τα τυχόντα.

Some editor inalce Aeschines subbec of ην biit the objectio tothis is that it ives a les satisfactor Constructio sor τυχεν, Scio ετυχεν cannot be equivalent to των τυχόντων mago. hich vould require ν τυχον. I seems that the paSSage early occasioneddifficuli as an ola variant in Soransposes his sentence and the


Schaefer ii 347 puis his debat o in possession of the templeri 134. os Apollo a Delos in Q 3 B. Hyperides pleade the cause of Athens vitii success, an fragments of his speecla λόγος Δηλιακός are



insoleiace of Muth cf. νεανιεύομαι, Mid. 8; νεανικός, ib. 3Ι vitii resereric ais to Aeschines' good lookS cf. I 29 τυν καλον ἀνδριάντα. There vas no question o multa Aeschine was bor ira 38 B. C. and was seu b ear olde than Delmosthenes 'Here oti ave in is ne specimen o our fine genti eman' politica conduci, confirmin mydescription. Lor Broughani translates, this hero,' in gallant instance of his politi cs.'

Python' mission vas in 3 3 B. C. A. Schaeser, si P. 35 soli. . He vas a Byzantine an a pupilis Isocrates, O consideratae eloquence. His speech on inis occasion is describet in Hegesippus de Halonneso, g 2o-23. Schaeser is incline to identis him vitia vilio of Aenus who, vitia his brottae Heraclides, murdere tiae Thracia Cotys, andasteru ard took resu e in Ainens; adv. Aristocr. δεῖ Πύθων ουτοσί,


μισθωτους . . . λεγειν κελεύετε.


ιαμβειοφάγos A the rea ling os the secon han in S, an is Supporte by Hermogenes It probara means cinouther os iambics' and refers to Aeschines profession o actor cf. 267. Veii stives ita disserent had os naeaning nourri cle eis iambiclues.' ne S. has a Variant ἰαμβοφάγος, explaine by the Et nol. Magn. abusive, '

S has ἰαμβειογράφος, vlaici is read by many editors, an interpreted,

writer o lampoons. Cf. Aesch. adv. Timarch. 36 περ δὲ των ποιημάτων ων φασὶν ουτοί με πεποιηκένat. τα μὲν μολογῶ τὰ δ' εξαρνουμαι μη τουτον ἔχειν τυ τρόπον ον ουτοι διαφθείροντες παρέξονται.

τὰ τω Ἀμφισσεω τω Λοκροῦ . . . δόγματα, alie decrees os the Amphictyons about the Locrians of Amphissa. For the genitive cc


Thuc. I. I O τὸ Μεγαρέων ψῆφισι , ille decree bout the Megarians. 'For the facts f. Introduction. v Λοκροῦ are omitted by two SS. and brachel ed by many editorso the g round that xx hen a trabe an a cu are amed the foriner Splaeed rst. Cf. Aesch. in Ctes. 23 οἱ Λοκροὶ οἱ 'Aμφισσεῖς and Thuc. 3. 95 διὰ Λοκρῶν των ζολων. το δ' οὐ τοιοίτο εστ . his adversative iis os, δ' to mari thecontrast bet ween imagination and the real ac is common in Plato. hereas it is no reatly so the rea facts are disserent'). Plat Apol. ad Mosoνται γαρ με κάστοτε οἱ παρόντες αὐτ αυτὸν εἶναι σοφόν, ἁ ανάλλον ξελέγξω τυ δε κινδυνεύει γάνδρες τω οντι ὁ θεος σοφος εἶναι.


Ἀπόλλω. Demosthenes here identifies the Pythian Apollo vitia the Apollo Patroiis, vorshippe by the Ionian S, and speciali at Athens a satiae of Ion. εἴποιμι και ειπov f Iciliould speat in the future and did speal then.' The futtire and the past hypothesis are combined in one Sentence. f. Plat Apol. 28 E γ Ουν δεινὰ ν εἴη εἰργασμένος , τε μέν με οἱ

ἄρχοντες ταττον, τότε μεν εμενον του δε εο τὰττοντος λίποιμι την

δικασταί, εἰς των πραγμάτων μεγεθος βλεφαντα μείζους τὰς κατqγοριας και τὰς αἰτίας τῆς τούτου δόξης νομίσαι.


an iis regulis are dra Vn ut in relative clauses, arrans e to forina climax, and finali Aeschines is introduce a the sole author of the wlaole catastrophe. δι' ὁ ει Ἐλάτειαν, κιτ.λ. the importance of Elatea a in the factthat it commande the passes into Phocis and Boeotia, cf. Strabo, ix.

43 . The consternation cause at Athens by Philip s eigure os ineplace in 338 is graphicali describe 1 infra,ri 69.

The word τὸν γαρ . . . Ἐλάτειαν Mim a hexameter verse; cf. I98

ἐπι- ἐκκλησία, his assemblyova laeta aster Aescliines retuni frona the in phictyoni meeting. Aeschines vas favourata hi eard but Demosthenes succee led in persuading the Athenian noto send 'eputie to the nexi, extraordinaly, meetins a Pylae. Cf. Aesch in Ctes. o 26. Ἀμφικτυονικόv. Compare Demosthenes exhortation in 3 6 against iring occasion generat var' of the Amphictyony De Pace ὁρῆν ὁπως μὴ προαξόμεθα νάνδρες Ἀθηναῖοι τους συνεληλυθότας τούτους και φέσκοντας Ἀμφικτύονας νυν ινa εις ἀνάγκην και πρόφασιν κοινου πολέμου προς ὁμῶς.


Θηβαίους καὶ Θετταλούs Neister Thebes nor Thessat ova 145. sciendi to thens, but ne illae of them vas prepare to ive Philip

I xvii noti vel o thath vhona o sent ut . f. ὁπωσδήποτε, 26Ι. αὐτ τῆ φύσει του τόπου, die uisere losses fron the actual Ieographica Siluation and the character of the forces at the disposa ofeach. i. e. ron the fac that Philip' arm could not deal vitia the navalpo ver of thens. For the geographica a luantage of Athen cf.

F. I, 8 την aetro του τόπου a των πραγμάτων υτων σφάλειαν ὐπώρ- χουσαν τη πόλει.ει . . . συμπείθοι . . . ἐὰν δε . . . αἱρεθ8, ita optative is sed here of D147. the Cected alternative, the subjunctive of the adopte oneri f. infra,


τριῶV K. T. λ. the laange to the active Participieri made to emphasiae the scant number of his electors CL AriStoph. Acth. 598, La u. χειροτόνησαν γάρ με, Dic κόκκυγες γε τρεῖς.

ὁθε . . . καθιερώθη, uel ling o v the territor os Cirria a canae' hie consecrated. In the time os Solon, resina, o violation fulae Delphie territor vas dooinexto destruction, anxit land dedicate to the god. See Aesch in te S. II 8. ἀπείρου λόγωv unusexto rhetorie.' IGO. περιελθεῖv to naice a sorina circuit os the territo . Accordingto C. I. A. E. 5 5 38 B. C. die Hieroui nemone regulari made an inspectio of this cind.

propoSin to fine lae Athenians sor dedicat in in the tena ple os Apollo a Delphi orne hields talcen stoin the Persian an Theban Whensio illinil against the essenes' and Aeschines accusation against