장음표시 사용
Cf. Huper id in Harpocratio συμμορία.)μικρὰ και οὐδέv. f. lat. Apol. 23 A a ανθρωπίνη σοφία λίγου
In his section 1 be in t deal vitii the stricti legat oinis 11O. I the besto val of the crown vlaile lae vas stili liatae to audit et the proclamatio in the theatre. τὰ γάρ, the statenaen inat. f. 49. τὰ μέγιστά γε reser to the potic an preparations precedin thesina strii stille a Chaerone : these a re dealta vitia later, o 7 soli.
πεπολιτευμευω και πεπραγμεvωV. Cf. - ἐγ τ πολιτευεσθαι καιπράττειν.
Here the confused unit te os arguments.' s P γεγραμμεvωv. Any one attaching a lat o decree as illegat Posted polae lax supposed to be violate fide by fide vitii the nexu decree se comparison, cf. Aristocr. θ 63 οὐ τοίνυν τούτους μόνον τους νόμους παραβέβηκεν . . . ἀλλα και ἄλλους πολλοῖς Ους οὐ παραγεγράμμεθα διὰ τὸ πληθος The word is sed converset in Lept. 48 for arae v lawproposed to talce the place of the ne indicted as unconstitutionat. In both cases the idea in aρὰ alternative or comparison.' τ' ὀρθὴv straightfor vardly. For the seminine cf. suci phrages
κἀγὼ στέρξω and I xvit be content ' say nothing . a introduces
the apodosis the imperative d*ιξάτω heinga virtualprotasis. f. F. L. 32 εἰ δε φησιν υτος δειξάτω κἀγῶ καταβαίνω. 113. επὶ τω θεωρικω, naana eris lae Theonc ind. The Theoric moneV' διωβελία vas introduce by Cleophon and after Nard distribute at alitiae more important festival t enabi the oorer citigens to celebratet liein villa a belle mea tiasin usual Finali diaring the period of Eubulus influence ali the surptus reveniae of lae state vere Wallo Vedu in the Theoricon. Gilberi , Gree d Constitutionat Antiquities,PP. 3 2, 3 3. See Aristot Ain. Pol 28. The διωβελία, i thi refers tothe Theoricon, is firs mentione in Io, C. I. A. I. I 88. cv the predicate is in the participle vas manager of the Theoriefund whenes contributed.'
Nausicles commanded the fana ous expedition to Thermopylae in 352. στρατηγων, hie emphasis Sin the participle, vhile generat.'Diotimus, mentione in id. iso anton rici supporter of Midias. In 338 he had a nava command an pectap that vas the occasio ostiis gist A. Schaeser, ii p. 3O9 . His surrender vas demanded vitia that of other patriot by Alexander. In 33 public honours vere Oted him. Charidemus se A. Schae ser i. 37 foll. iii 12 foll.). Dissendistinguishes hin fron Charidelmus os reus, but it i mucii more probabi that it is inis great Condottier of the age Iulio is reserre to. His character an careerrare describe in DelmOSth. adv. Ar1Stocri, and
his tragi en a the hand of Darius in Diodorus, xvii. O vvliere laesis calleil Αθηναῖος, dνὴρ θαυμαζόμενος ἐπ' ἀνδρεία και δεινότητι στρατἹγίας. He ad received the Athenia citigeiashi many ear bessire; Cf.
το ἐπι τῆ διοικησεωs. In the document in Q ὁ στρατηγός
is added. It is oubisti vhether Such an office existed. In nycaSemeither PasSage can reser to the officer generali calle ὁ ἐπὶ τὴ διοικησει, a hecis no mentione in the 'Aθηναίων Πολιτεία, and Proibata came into existence abolit 3O6. He controlle both the incoine and expenditur of the State. sola te use of the phrasebet ore this date probata refer o Xtraordinary commiSSiOners appotnte ora Specia occasiong. Cf. Aesch. F. L. of his brother pliobetiis καλῶς δε και δικαίως των μετέρων προσόδων
tal in this maSc. the receivers of the Theori fund, and it is Prohiabi neuter the Theori contributions of at the tribes ' biit
enumerate ille ve qualities necessar to the Popular StateSuaan, and Demosthenes ridicules hin sor hi narro v an pedanti conception fili character.
ωστ ερ 1 USed farsi vitii a participi as reeing vitii in subject of the Sentence, and then vitii an accusative absolute ' for the alteris. 476. εκδεδωκώs, ii sed like Latin locare, o letting ut a contrac sor inentaking of Something a though ou ad iri ange by contracs for theconStruction Os a. Statue, an tiae had it returiae to ou, vant in s in the Potnt required by the contractoo a though the eople' mends vere known by definitions instead of by acts and politica meaSures.' λόγω. Thisos the ordinar stetorica oppositio belween λυγω and εργω : but here the antithesis is belween the descriptioni a. In an and his cis raster tha bet veen a man 's vor is an his cis AeschineSin o 76 is justos anxious to ba se his argument on conduci; θεωρεῖτε αὐτολμη τον λόγον dλλα τον βίον.
λοιδορία κατηγορίας for a Sirmita distinctionis language cf. huc. 1. 69 αἰτία με γαρ φίλων ἀνδρων στὶν μαρτανόντων, κατηγορία δὲ ἐχθρων dδικησάντων. f. Cic pro Caelio, 3 6 sed aliud est maledicere,
aliud accusate. Ac Iusatio crimen deSiderat, rem ut definiat, hominem ut notet, argumento Probet, teste confirmet maledictio autem nihil habet propositi praeter contumeliana.'ἁπωτω ἱδ ωv κ.τ.λ. abuSe ne nother viti vile scandal dra mfrona oti private ise. T vo constrinctions are combine κακως λέγειν τινά an τὰ πόρρητα λέγειν τινd. It is uianeceSSar to Suppose Vith Her verde that κακω i a gloss. There is a variant,aκῶν, but his se
tiae reason salven in the participia phrase. Eet v κα cf. o 5. Demosthenes has been ad dressing the judges, cf. μὴ Λδικων, biat he suddent tum and addresses Aeschines. ὁρα μη κ.τ.λ. The emphatic reclicate is to e found in the μέν clause in Englis 1 the δέ clause natist be expresse by a subordinate
Disse potnis ut that at this sectio bes in the es technical andri 126. more persona part of the speech, the object of vphicli suo bring oti in the trons est possibi contraSt the personalit and the conduci publicand private, of the t vo Characters. his is done vit the Deedon and
coarsenes of invective Ivhicli vas common in Greel and Roman oratory.
και τίνωv. For in genitive es en Anata . . I τοιούτων μένεστε προγόνων. here is no need sor aricland' conjecture εκ τίνων.
ἰφικόμενος εἰς At δου, ἀπαλλαγεις τούτων των φασκόντων δικαστων εἶναι, εὐρήσει τους ἀληθῶς δικαστάς, ἴπερ και λεγονται κεῖ δικάζειν, Μίνως τε και Pαδάμανθυς και Αἰaκὸς και Τριπτόλεμος κ.τ. λ.
βεβοήθηκα και εἴρηκα. Aeschines in ther places o prides himself on his education, cf. in Timarch. D' εἰδῆτε ἔτι και μεῖς δ τιῆκούσαμεν και μάθομεν, in CteS 135.58πουθευ, i doubt.' δηπου is osten uSed in phrases of reminder, ἔστε γὰρ δῆπον, μέμνησθε γὰρ δήπου.