Speech on the crown. With introd. and notes by Evelyn Abbott and P.E. Matheson

발행: 1899년

분량: 291페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


os thes things, Icilio Med good Deling and good Nili. The phras is colloquia an not sed in earlier orators It is used here o givea ouehis ridicule to a quote objection cf. l. I. 26Ἀλλ' ω τῶν οὐχὶ

Greel a societ xvitia common contribution an a common fund ora contribution to sues societV. Then it is sed sor an voluntarycontributions a here, metaphoricanu, as in huc 2 43 κάλλιστον ερανον an in id. Io εγὼ a οἶμαι πάντας ανθρώπους φέρεινήιοῖν παρ' αὐτῶν εἰς τον βίον αὐτοῖς ἔρανον παρὰ πάνθ' ὁσα πράττουσιν.

opposition Shout be offere on Our par to thos Whos interest


31S. ὁ δ' ἀδέλφόs vo brothers, Philochares and Aphobetus, rarenanae in . I, 6 237. Probabi the reserenc here is to Philochares, uti ha been Strategus at Athens. ω χρηστε, any good Sir to iis nomine naine .' τοὐ καθ' αὐτό es in me of his o vn time. 310. Philaminon an Athenian athlete. Glaucus os Carystus in Euboea, according to Pausan 6. IO, I aS victor in boxing at ali the four great ganies o HellaS, eight times actia in Nemea an Isthmia.

320. φαμίλλου, open to the emulation competition is all. The vor 1 is speciali applied by Demosthenes to the voluntata rivalryo Dee citigens, ef in Lept. IO οτι τὰς μεν διὰ των λίγων πολιτείας το πάντας ἔχειν ἴσον dλλήλοις τους των κοινων κυρίους ὁμονοειν ποιεῖ, την δὲ των δημων λευθερίαν η των γαθῶν ανδρῶν ἁμιλλα ην επι ταῖς παρὰ τουδήμου δωρεαῖς πρὸς εαυτους ποιουνται, φυλάττει.

ἐφεδρεύων ἔτερος καθεδειται.


ἱ τοτρόφos. The de implied in the word is xv ealth and luxury. In Pindar mroτροφία has ni a good ense, as an attribute of the vell-bor Hellene, Isthm. a. 55 'π' τροφίας τε νομίζων ν Πανελλάνων νύ , and o in Xen Oec. . , as ne of the public services, ετ δεκώ την πόλιν αἰσθάνομa τὰ μὲν ηδ σοι προστάττουσαν μεγάλα τελεῖν, ἱπιτοτροφίας τε και χορηγίας και γυμνασιαρχίας κώ προστατειας In Thue. 6. Nicias o Alcibiades , 5πως θαυμασθη μὲν detro mἱπποτροφίας, it has the sanae ouehis sarcasIn as here Trans. Great and splendi in uour grandisquipage . For therione of the passage cf. F. L.

o in inquin about the Persian old. A. Schaese Iii. p. 98 is probabi riglit in inlcing that Demosthenes vas calle upo in 33o: appear before in Amphictyons and justis his advocacv of the relliance vitii Sparta againSt Macedon This vovi give oin toine closin ivord of this Speecla, an to the passage e quotes Dona


Aegina, .



Eretria, I, 9, I, 9 note

Myrtis, 295-



Tanagra, .

Theseum, 29.



. - των πεπολιτευμένων ξέτασις,

γωδει καὶ διεξήει, , διέβαλλε και διεθνει, ς; κριβολογοῖμαι και διεξέρχομαι, C; δίδαξας

και τοῖς πολιτευμασι, 22 των λεγόντων κa πολιτευομένων,



2Ιω τοῖς μοῖς καὶ ψηφίσμοσι καὶ νόμοις και πρεσβείαις, aO, cf. 2 35. Anicie, villi infinitive clauses Ver frequent), se Infinitive

Emphasis secured by I Repetition

λήνων . . . aυτῶν ἄμεινον πράττειν,

Strative pronoun: τὸν γὰρ ν Ἀμφίσστὶ πόλεμον . . . Oυτός εστιν ὁ συγκατασκευάσας, 43. Se also unde Antithesis, and Arrangement of wOrdS. EuphemiSin, 274, 288, 32 O. Genitive of cause o objeci, στρα τειας . . . ας πάσας θ πόλις της τῶν ἄλλων Ἐλλήνων ελευθερίας aι σωτηρίας πεποίηται, IO του μὴ τὰ δίκaια ποιειν, O objectiVe, τα τῶν Ἀμφισσεων . . . δόγματα, I O; os poSseSSion, της ποίας μερίδος γενεσθαι την πόλιν εβούλετ' αν,6 της ἀγαθῆς τύχης της πόλεως εἶναι τίθημι, 254 Similarly, V

ουτοι πάντες εισὶ . . . τῶν αυτῶν



os place or manner, εἴ που m

τηνελευθερίαν και το μηδεν εχειν δεσπότρο αυτων 296.