장음표시 사용
persona construction here the Englisl idior prefers the inpersonat. Η. 944. Μαρουαν the goddes Athene - so the stoma--Was nee playing on a flute. Noticin froin the reflectionis her face in a Pring that the iis of the instruarient macie ter cheelis bulge ut to the detriment ii dies beaut ahae thres the reed 4way The satyr Marsyochancella finxit, and charine P vit the inusic, in Whicli sonae traces sdivine sweetnes stili lingered lae challei ged Apollo to a contes of musical sicili. The ternis vere, that the anquishedishout be at ille mercyos in victor Themuses were the hic es, and Marsyas, bein deseared, vas flayed ali verus the penalty of his presumption. In Florenc there is statue o Marsyas, representinillini as bound is a fig-tree, a vallinctiis punishment se Pl. IV. i. The satyr nature is alio in by the horiis.
diuite; dat os place G. I , N. r. last clauM. H. 657, a The referenceis to the batile of Salamis for hic se p. o. s. '-- cf. N. to l. 7 above Cyriis vias no doubi in haste to pressis an strilis ademsive o. hile Artaxerxes m et unprepare to meet hirn Hedelaye here probabi in orde to ait for ther orces ocioin hirn to complete his arrangenient for the expedition, an to provide for thegoverninent of his province cluring his absence. Κλέα - See P. 53,
a pro lavi ove a pasco the Taurus, through vhic ran the oad troin Iconium to Soli ilience astutarc to Tarsus Titis asa Nas fleepandiso sultet to a large anny so that Cyriis himself,itii the mainbod of his sorces turned offa Thoana iroin virici he muta eassi enter the Cilicia gales, ara real in the Inountiun directi norit o Tarsiis. By sen lingmenon illi a stron delaclanient ver the Tauriis by theshorter ani more dissiculi route, Cyrus aine a oothol in Ciliciabefore Syennesis, those ledges o Artaxerxes require hii to OH the passes Dinat an invader, ira made preparations for delence.
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o that amount. The gradua corruptioni ui Greel languam a Soliis inicito haveaive riserio the teri so sm. The ruina of the tom lie