장음표시 사용
Greella emphatie by position. ιερώ auspicea, ornens dinum frontule appearance of the vitalis theari, luno, and liver . - - vi tinis, ornens draum isor the movementa es ille animias sacrificed. The more important omen is mentione inti
λεγουσι δέ ria ες νς ι ραὶ ταῖς ἀσπίσι προς τὰ δόρατα ἐδούπησαν, φοβον ποιοῖντες τοῖς Amrοις.
R is probates an interpolation.
avoid giving the number of the lain o etther fide perhapsi account of the conflicting talenient of ther virilem. Accordin to Diodorus more liuin fineen inousan ' of the troops of Anaxerxes isti, an inme
. . . a ---: in the Mat froni the earlies times the mutilation es offendere has been a common means os inflictin punishment amin en- forcina obedience. The Assyria ha relieis bound in representationao in mos crate tortures. Among the Persiana eyes,ere se est vithhot irona linitas, ars and nose cutissi longues torn ut, and mutilationamen more revolting ere not uncommon. A simila vel o miel in through si ancient auis, Who sonietinae burne me alive, and