장음표시 사용
as the common cause oscilisturi ance, and thus adcis force to the nce. Iphicrates, an Athenia generii contemporar Witti Xenophon, is satelonoe o have restored orde in case of a Pani by a sitnitar annotinc. menti It Meincto have been a common princtice of Greel officere toresor to mine such device in orde to alio visam grountllemnes it a suciden arid inexplicabie fright. -- puto metonym for thepta re here the arma vere Machecl. μι-- τάλαντον G. 66, N. 2;Η. 726.
τάτου ἔχοντα vi εὐειδε ρομον τῶν αὐτῶν στρατιωτῶν.
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