장음표시 사용
of the Turkisi race that is o say, of theman comingsona the orth with his special
I a thu able totain by comparing the North and the ouili a fuller ani more precise de of the countr of the e S. As for the buit lings the Variations in their
genera character ere qui te a strii ing. In Africa and the morti, is Palestine, ,here Wood is Sed the construction and decoration of thelouses an dither edifices are quite different frona fiat is seen in Judea where Wood S, and alway muS ha, e Cen, ant-
so the palaces and the porches of the temple The oos os very hous was mised in a dome, and this dome a visibi above theres of the oos heiace this crowd os litile domes in Judea. hich contrast illi the flat
At these genera consideration SuggeStedio me the in os stud y hiches ad to pur- Sue oni rem aliae so the intuition to develo iiset ver3 work whate Ver it is, has iis deal mine a truth, truth in thelis and eath os the Christ representiaithsul ly to bring to lis again beneati theeye of the Spectator the divine personalityo Jesus in His Spirit in His actions in allthe sublime beaut of Hi teaching-what couldi S attractive or,hat o dissiculi λ
there, on the ery pol here thos sublime SCene were nacted that ne eel most aptio eiZe an receive the varie impression so them.
Nori that my meditations have taken Shape, and that aster en ear o labour.
i abolit to appear, earing the accurate
Extracis fro the genera Introduction to the cifeos urLord Jesus Christ.
Birili and Childhood of Christ.
-The walis of the ancient Temple.
Golgotha and the oly Sepulchre in
Seen ro the Walis of the Iudicia Gate. The Same. Seen ro the walis os Herod's alace.
I 2.-Zacharias and Elisabeth. 13.--The Vision o Zacharias.
I 4.-The legend of the tests hicli thesultor of the oly Virgin ad to