장음표시 사용
the lawman of the Southern and aster Quarters. hus the two highes ossices, ecclesiasticat an secular in that par of the Country were vacant a the Same time. he famil of the latebisho put his two sons forwar a candidates for these positions -λrni oddsson for lawman, and G1sti dosson for hishop. ut the relatives of the late lawman and thei adherent opposed thecandidac of the bishop' sons havin candidates of their o n. Alter a close contes the two brothers ere finalty electe at the Althing, June 29, 163I, whereupo G1sti immediatet repatredio Denmar in orde to obtain royal confirmationi his election. Aster Some hesitation, due, as it seenas, to the floris of the
termination to correct many abuses in his diocese, an to bringa ut reformit various ways. his is evident rom his three interestin circular letters aderesse to the olerg and the secular authorities ,hic throw light upo the religious and socia conditions of the time. ut e probabi di not ac- complis much, partly doubiless, bemus of his hori tenureos ossic hesides, although a severe criticis existin abuses, hewas in his personalit haesi a typical reformer. He appears
to have been a geniat, conscientious, and unpretentious man-one,
as his enemies charged, ather give to drinh. Η enjoyed nolitti populari ty, and he was fame for his enormous physical strength. heseopte mere grateful to him for aving roughtabout the re a of the tax law of 631. his obnoxious measure, ne of many Which, during the period of trade monop ly, caused the financiat ruinis Iceland fixe exorbitant priceson ali importe merchandise, hile the prices o native productSwere lowerex; thus it a much more unfavorabie to the Icelandi peopte than the tax law of 6 I9. he Althin protested against the law, an petitione the in to repea it but thegovernor- generat, ho a a Dane, refuse to suppor thepetition or even to present it to the hing. iter he was elected
countrymenaefore the ing. In his he was successsul thelaw of 63 was repealed, and that of 6 I9 emaine in force. Here he rendere a great service to the country. Bishomoddu Einarsson was an auster man wit a reputatio forareat learning, speciali in astronomy and mathematios,havin studie for ome time unde the amous ycho Brahe. good linguist, hecis sal to have made many translations into
Icelandic Moreover, he was a ciose student of the histor and ancient record of his own Country, and doubilem rote omething in this field. A man of studious habiis, ho devote ali his eisure t readin and writing, he brought together in Shsithoit a considerable collectionis book an manuscripis, audemployed se erat scribes a copyisis onfortunately in I 63 these Was visited by a disastrous fire, hic destroye practicallythe whole librar includin the hishop's wn literar productions. Bisho G1sti inherite his ather' love of earning, although he declares himself no tot competent in his ather's
favorite subjeci, the mathematica sciences. e seem to have had a goodanowledge of Icelandi histor an traditions. thas recently been hown by Dr. r. aalund that Bisho G1stiles an unfinished translationis Arngr1mur J6nsson' ci mo ina. Τhe translator shows an abilit to elucidat an discus various passages in the original. It was, o ever, pon his knowledgeo natura science that Bisho G1sti's reputatio for earning particulari reste among his comtemporaries. The writings include in this volume are the ni evidence e posses of his knowledge in that province, an I shali return to iobelow. erissaid, moreover, o have been et verse in jurisprudence, andespeciali in ecclesiastica law. an a good reacher e evidently was, is popular tradition may be trusted. vi Seems also
cuius etsi nulla habemus scripta, constanti nihilominus fama celebratur hic antistes ut juris ecclesiastici valde peritus ne non orator egregius, vel ipso hoc adfirmante Christiano Quarto, Serenissimo Daniae omegiaeque R e quo praesente concionem habuit Danice an Germanice fothera sa in LatinJ muneris episcopalis candidatus Hainiae 63I. Quale nec specimen eruditionis et eloquentiae ediderunt, neque elogium reportarunt huiusque Disiij sol O OOQ C
Τhe two writings printe in this volume exist in manuscripti the Bodleian Library, xforo 'heirs in ΜSS. Bor. 5Ο-5I,4 φ the secon in ΜS. Bor 84 4 '. Although no separate, these manuscript have a Continuous pagination 2Ο3 π.),which doubiles cloes no originale it the author, ut is thework of one of the forme omners of the manuscript . heentire manuscript was brought to openhagen it,ould seem, hortlybeiore or alter the author's death, oro ut the idole of the century fori Resen made se of it in his or onoceland . Aside rom this iis histor is unknown untii Egger mentions itin his descriptionis Icelan in I 786. It was a that time in the possessionis Grimur horkelin the archivist, an accordin toEggers statemen it the had 63 p., p. o4-262 ein OC- cupie by Et Ver ichnis istandischer tammworter nach
simile aut idem exambientes munus quotcunque alias e nostratibus ad hoc obtinendum impetrandumque Regi se exhibuere afviam delati nam Horiacum Sculonem idem ferisse gratis dicitur . Proinde mihi multo celebrior evasisse videtur iselo idinus unica illa, sed tanto auditore, tanto censori probata adeo oratione, quam pluribus alii scriptis eruditione
fere nulla, etsi ingenio et industria qualicunque conature et animo non malo elaboratis.
io Worm dated in via visitationis prope Akur re in plaga septentri nati, 8 Augusti, Anno 1637. ' He rates a follows Cum navigio Grindvicens schedulam incultam ad dignitatem vestram transmisi, ratus fore, ut tempus subsequens permitteret, plura ac meliora vobis dare sed eventus ostendit, quam adeo sim arctatus curis, negotijs, et molestiis variis. Nihil enim potui, praeter haec pauca et levia, Annalium patriae, quae quamvis propter styli humilitatem, non sint lectu dignari tamen, propter
rerum, tam arietatem, Dum Veritatem, Spem non omnino contemnenda.
Eadem autem, ut V. D. meo omine, humiliter offerat,agnifico n. Cancellario, cum excusatione satis aliost, non minus de mea ruditate, quam gravissimis occupationibus. ' Accordinito this in Annais mere sent to
INTRODUCTION Vdem Alphabet. ' his portio is unknown to me, and talae it that it was not rom the en o Bisho Gisti, ut adbeen adde to the manuscript oriound wit it by one of iis
successive owners, and was probabi remove by Finnur ag-niisson, ho acquire the manuscript after horkelin's death. Separate unde three numbers, as describe above, the present
manuscript was include in the collectionis Icelandi manu script whic Finnur agniisson Ahortly after 83 sol to the Bodleian Library. e styles it in the printe catalogue theauthor' autograph manuscript ut his is no qui te correct, sincerit is in three o four different and ritings, the author' shan bein distinguishablemni in the subscriptio at the en of the ne recensio of the Annals an in a portio an in acieWcorrections of the ther recension. ut is no actuali in partwritte by the author imself, it was ithout doubi copiedunde his directio an supervision, and thus constitutes an origina manuscript No the manuscript of the two writings
5o A has the iusses texi, the entries heing arranged in strictlychronological order, ,hile in ΜS Bor. I B many itemsare omitted the chronological arrangemen is no observed throughout, and the litteris laching. Both contain the postscript and bear the fame date at the end. 'ohe relatio belween the two isno perfecti clear is a question hether, a Gustavratormihinlis, o the authorit o Chr. Conin who examine themanuscript for im), B represent a clea Copy o certain portions of A, or, as Jon orkelsson thinlis, cis meret a roughdrast. hefrst opinion is supporte by the fac that in B the
phrasiniis osten clearer, an in arie cases Miter ome entriesare funer, thera riefer, and ome entiret omitte and thehandWritin seem to e more careful. The second opinion is primarii based umn the confusion of the chronological arrangemen and the omission in B. An this is probabinthe correctutem Bris the original drast the conchision and the subscription hoWever, havini en adde to it rom A. The editionprinte belowris based upo A, varianti in give only herethere is a difference of mme consequenm tWeen the wo. The items,hich occur in both are in this editio marhe with
In the author' min the two Works supplement ne another; hoth deat with What he calli mirabilia Istandiae ' the Annalium farrago givingin historical recor o natura an preternaturaloccurrences in Iceland the De mirabilibus ein a genera descriptionis the country, iis animate an inanimate nature Forthe generat histor of the counto the forme is of hut stight importance, sine ordinar event a a ule are no recordeo, ut principali occurrences of an extraordinar character, Auch asstoods, Volcani eruptions pestilenoes, disaster on land an sea, apparitions o various hinos the spontaneous inging of belis, comeis, the appearence of monsters in riversan lahes monstrous hirths, ghost stories, and the like. Because of this it has Menstyled not without reason, therars collectionis Icelandi folklore. It contain aciem genuine folk- tales complete, and thersi embryo. For the author, mos o it represente record of
ever no mention is made of the inephero, hil a maid-servant is avelthrouo the interference of a raven, an incident horrome immother
INTRODUCTION vii natural history although his principi of selectio is no very
auch a the --calle Od Oerja-anndu an L hander' Deneronianaesti Cronica Ohe est is compile from contemporarysources hic are now lost, hien from private letters rittenb various eopte to Bisho Oddu and the author imself. Some evenis are describe from the author' own observation. He says in the postscript that he ni include things e considere true o probable, an supporte by good authority. Itwouldie interestinii weane. some of the materiat he rejecteda unirustworthy, o acto find the criterion e applied in his selections. ut his as a superStilious age. One an at allevent gather from this ork What were the principat news-items of the day so that in his respect also the compilation is ivalue Important is the information ive a ut the vario plagues that devastate the counim, speciali those of 49a i 494 and 636, and concerning volcani eruptions suo asthat of Hekla in I 636, an othersa ut the author' chronologyis not alway tote trusted. Interestinclikewiseris therator of the ordeat of theater I 598), not elsewhere mentione sociar asPknow, ut the authorit for it uniortunatet is no given.
viri LMANDI Τhe account of the sulcide I 611 is illuminatingi the popularattitude at that time toWard suci acta. he selectio of the items include in the annals was doubiles the work of BishopG1sti himself, ut the Latin translation a principali made byΚetili Jorundsson, a frien an confident of the bisho an his family, whom the bishop, hortly beiore his eath, ordaineffas ministereto Huammur, this being the last ordination he performed. The Annalium farrago a finished on Iulna4, 637 the Demirabitibus achegunt April 8, of the ouowin year, and
from his lette to Dr. Ole Worm date Iut 3I, 635. In his lette Bisho G1st writes Sperabam aliquando mihi hoc otii
relictum iri, inter occupationes plurimas, ut Pauca quaedam annotarem, in gratiam Magnif. ni Cancellarii, de Lapidibus et Herbis et quibusdam aliis mirandis hujus Insulae, quae doctissimus Arngrimus sicco pede fere transiit, fortea quia non ipse totam Insulam perlustravit, sicut ego nunc aliquoties maximam partem. Sed iste foetus futurus est mihi fere elephantinus. Si autem quicqVam concepi, non quidem, propter sterilitatem ingenii mei, luce dignum patiar tamen aliquando, Deo adjuvante,
ut sub tanti Viri auspiciis pateat. this ori replied in his letteris,ay 6, 1636 Gratum fuit Cancellario Naturalia
thedrat School in I 62o, and was unde teacher heyrari thereonti I6aa in that yearie matriculatexas a student in the Universit o Copenhaon, hutine returned to Iceland in the followin year, and there resume his forme positionissaeacher-whic he hel untit 638. He mas minister of Hvammur in Dalas'sta imm 638 to 667. In 63I-3a, he accompanted Bisho Gisti on his trip to openhagen He is lanown as an industriouscopyisti manuscripta, as the author of Various genealogical writings, and asthe translatoris Hadrianus Iunius' Ι5II-75 Nomenclator omnium rerum propria nomina variis in vis indicans. KetilPs granison a firmΜagniisson, the founder of the Arna-Μagnaean Collection. Christia Friis tit,ragerum 1581-1639 Was Royal hancellor from 1616 tu his death. e mas known fortis interest in science and literature, andespeciali in histor the writers of the da found a frien an protector in him. Ola Mormis Epistolin, II, p. 595. He me on to a that the reappearance of the Hvstsi serpent in the fame ear had caused iam to thin ofwriting about thes things. He asseris that on this occasionis himselffa the serpent, ut it is strange that he di not ut it, recor in the Annalium arrago, mith the ther appearances of the monster. Disjtjgsib M OOQ C
INTRODUCTION Ix Patriae conscribendi et colligendi institutum, quod ut urgerem apud te, serio jussit, quo brevi ejus specimen haberet addidit, concepta jam posse deinde ulterius expoliri, temporum lapsu. '' In a letterii Aug. 5, 636, to hancello Friis, Bisho Gisti writes och de so Jegh affuer offuedi in Strenge Herr CantZele een gang de quibusdam mirabilibus in hac atria nostra detis iche enndis ierdigi enn do ad det e paaweyen. Wilde vor erre pare migh lii Och undhed thill, neque enim tantum est in re quantum in opere, de so Jeghshali sandhed sige. '' From ali this it is clea that the work was in preparatio for some time beiore it was ritte clown in the
on account of the solationis Iceland an iis remoteness romother countries, it Was to e expected that in the early aysman strange and weir tales Would circulate abroad about thecountry an iis inhabitanis. Some o it natura phenomena, a the volcanoes, heiot springs, and the polar ice, aroused much curiosit amon theseoples of foretgn ands. races of theseantique storie somelimes haunt the pages o comparativel recent book on Icelanx onc they have gained a wide circulation, tales of that in osten posses a great tenacit o lita, and frequently the more i it the more absurd the are Gortes