Dialogorum liber XII: Ad Helviam matrem de consolatione, texte Latin;

발행: 1918년

분량: 403페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


Gree and Latin Composition II Graduate Passage from Latin Author separalely.

Cambriclge Composition A, Gree an Latin Edited

Composition and Translation by the latem C. F.


O utlines of Ancient Histor frona the earli est times

Stior Histor of the Roma Republi C. By . E.

The unicipalities of the Roman Empire By . .

The Constitution of the Later Roman Empire.

Creighton Memoria Lecture deli vere a Universit College, London, a November, I9o9. B Professo J. B. BURY. s. α

Zeus a Stud in Ancient Religion Vol. I. By

Clio En throned. A Stud in Prose-irm in ThucydideS.


Collecte Studies in Gree an Latin Scholars hi p.

Essays o Four lay o Euripide S. Andromache,


Euripides the Rationali St. B A. . VERI: ALL, Litt. D.

Praelections de livere be fore the Senate of the

Prole gomen to the Stud of Gree Religion By

Themis A Stud of the Socia Origines of Greeli

The Origin o Tragedy, with specia reserene to the

ADAM, M. A. Cloth, IS net Ieather, ras. d. et Cambri De Mantials of Science and iterature.


This orti is a Lindis encyclopaedia in minimo The amount of information gathere into even hundred ages is a marvel And, strange to say the book is qui te leasan to reali in spite oscit innumerable facis. The Printin is admirabie and the volum is ellillustrated. ... M Whible is to e congratulate on his book. Thecounir ca produce a bod of Scholar las Caresul a the Germans . . . and their judgmen is notably sarie. V-Guardian The scheme of the book i good It is no a mere collection Osinterestin miscellanea, ut a clear an Connected account of Greelicii and thought written by scholars horare intimatet aequainted with allthe latest devel opinent of the subjeci The mas of erudition that is packed etween iis couer is Stonishing. . . . It is horough in the sensethat in the majorit of the articles, at least the Substance of ou knowledge salven the essentiat poliat are tolachei upon, and the theories offirst-rate importanc are concisely taleo. -Satur in eviem

It is a liandbook thatio ne illi ashamed o Wn and consuli, handbook that willi fureri sit a place notini in libraries designedsor the oung, ut also on the dest O the encher, an on the helves of the scholar. . . . It is a good book orth o Englisti scholarship. V urna of Education The completenes of the coperis obvio us. The excellen e of the wor is varanteed by the ames of the contributors. The volumeshould e o the Greeli libra helves os every school,lier Gree is seriousi taught. o for resere iace meret it ill be rea with avidi ty, apari rom task-work by anyio that has the ootis the alter in him. The book is beauti fuit prin te and produce l. V Edrιcational Dura aliis is an admirabie book in design and execution alii e Thechoice of writer is above reproach Secondi y the choice of matters isgood Thirdly the book is readable it is no meret a ork of refer- ence The pages are ullis illustrations rona ari, ealien inscriptions, manuscript the rint in is orth of the Press and the whol booki good o look upon. V-Cambri e evi


D Sandys and his collaborator have producet a notatile book of

Lee done extrem et well, and the immense amount of information is presente tersei and intelligibly.... The illustratiotis are good and adequate. V oti alii Helleni Sindies Mugessit an erudite vorti, hicli repreSenis the est resulis ot Latin scholarship and whos bibliographie will be muri invaluabie tostudents. The scope of the book i Wide There is no side os in tellectual, political or administrative life pon hicli it cloes notuo uch. Ethnology, public antiquitieS, Private antiquities, the riny the aris and literatur ali ave thei place in thi claSSica encyclopaedia, hose fui indexes malae it an admirabie orti, reserence.... V Canno repavthe debl emis to the Romans ther is than by a loya understandi noo thei histor and thei literature, and to those ho si a uide ecan commen no urer ne tha thi Widely lanned, et executed Companion o D Sandys. - O semet r In the single volume hefore scit is reali possibi sor heirs timeto obtain a conspectus of almost ali that is definit et known bout Roman en vironment, life and thought.... The Book is a thesaurus os sane earn in in a readable forna. Varro or lin or St Isidore of Seville ould have studie it illi a roWing onder an enlieliten ment for no Rome only but the history O ali lino ledge aboli Rome, is here recalle to iis firS beginnings. V Times This volum is a complete cyclopoedia o Roman studies an innearlyrio pages an hal a milliori ord contain thecaremit adjusted resulti recent inquiri es into very departinent of Latin ore. It is ina very remarkable degree, accurate, complete an abre t o modern discovery and we congratulate the UniverSity the contributors, and the editor on the signat successis an ambitious project.


lla versἱt of Toronto Librata