장음표시 사용
colloque parenti l circumfusa sui circum refers to the utSpread
5. lacrimas. . . supprimat: s. I. 9. hilaritas, merriment.' cuius non contractum. . . Soluant CL Hor. En i , o conrracta quem non in satisertate solutum non is far removeo rom it verb; ut the arrangement is influenced by the previ ou sentenCes, and cuiu non inta cuiuSque. Io. Ggutiae, livet pratile the word like argutus implies both nois an clevernes : cs Aulus Gellius xvii 8 puer Atticus, formissimis aetatis eruentis argutii ScareuS. II. quem non in Se conuertet, ,hos attention illiso beat tracted by ...' se n. to Ioa Io. I et instXum: Cf. Paul. concessive. neminem satiatura, that could e to much sor no ne 'cithe ut participi is sed as osten in Silver-nge riterS, RS an equivalent sor αν illi preS. Or Or Partici Ple.
s. l . nobis, O be alien illi contingat, refers to the satherand wo uncies. Lucan id furvive Seneca, ut onlycius furvived him Gallio diei later in the fame ear 65 A. D. , Mela in 66:al soli die by ensor ei sulci de Se Introd. . l. in me consistat, Storia me s. Paul. 64 . I 5. matri Oes no reser to the mother of Marcus, ut o Helvi may I sum pol the sorro that the mollier and thegrandinotheria to suffer' i. e. ma Helvia in future lose no therchilii than me, and no grand child. 16. in me transierit me is ac D cf. Epp. 13, II seristilum in alienum casu transeat; sal vii, in castra inimicortim abire Val. Max i , a patriae mala in Se transferri uoluisse mi , ut puerorum periculum in pSius casti transferrent, orauit;
Juv. 6, a ut, qui quid subiti et a ui discriminis instat i in
Iunicas eat, et tollim Simul astet annal m. 17. reliqua turba the res of the fami ly' i. e. silii and nepotes. in suo statum inharmed ' cf. Ual. Max. vii et I a ciuitatis noSIrae mores in suo Statu continuit viii , I omnia ista in suo statu industria continebat suo is no reflexive here ut has the sense of Secundo cf. Epp. I, 3 ignoranti, quem fortuna petat, nullus suam
orditate: cf. 2 4 and se Introd. p. li. I 8. condicione m exilio. fuerim tantum, oni it prove that I as...' so the tenSe, cf. Uirg. Aera vim hac Troiana tenus fuerit ortam Secuta. tantatur has the ense os dummodo: cf. De seu i 37, I gratiam tibi referam, uidere tantum mihi imperatorem Iesum contr/vat Esp. 38 et os mora ad vice niti tim sciunt, tantum idonea mens casia illa ; 78, 25 omnia ista facile perferemus, tantum mortem desinamus horrere; art. Q , 6 liceat tantum. I9. piamentum, the cape-goat': so Polycrates of Samos,
whenae thre his signet in to the ea, thought there a felicuatis suae Satis piamenti in nius gemmae uoluntario anano Plin Nat. Hist xxxvii 3). F. o. Novatillam: clearly srom her name, a clauilliter of Νovatus, his eing the original nam os Helvia' et dest son: havin lost her mother, he was eing rought up by her grand-mother the ext shows that she was olde than heriousin arcuS. II. mitii adscripseram. Phad adoptet a m own meansoni that he had been very fond of her adsciueram oui die more usual hecause the adscriptus is generali adde to a bod of men, notu an individual so the prope sens os adscriptio, cf. Plin ad Trai. II lege Ponis i permissum Bithnici sinitatibus adscribere sibi nos ellent ciues so the metaphorical Sense, cf. Hor. Esp. ii 9 adscripsit Liber Satyris fatiuisque poetas. 22. quamui SRlu patre, even though her ather is living: i. e. I a a seconii ather o her, O that heris in a Sense an Orphan. 23. et Dro me, me also, i. e. a wellis for ourseis. fortuna probabi means that he was dea l. The complete Silencerus to Seneca's wn is i remari able se Introd. p. XXXiii. 25. sentiat is no seel merely, a theatri is allowed to grieve, an grie is a Deling Sen. ope that he ma no shox theeffect of her oss. In his sense sentire is osten sat os in animatethings hic li cannot 'seel : s. Ol. v I of a river cum Sensit aestatem et ad minim tim educitis SV Plin Nat. Hist. xxiv i 3 ferrum robigonem sentit; Lucan illo adductum non Senserat ancora itinem had not answered the tu os the able Petron C. 45 ιt though quadringenta inpendat, non Sentiet patrimonii =n illius. Itis Sed also os personM CL Dial. V 3, 3 Socrates ad reason to be
3o. Sollemne, solemn ' sacred ': Cf. De fen. osscio sollemni et necessario the dui os burying a satherin Cic. Pro uinu. 26 ossicium tam sanctum atque Sollemne.
adfectu tuo, yota love so him it cannot I hin , ei a sectu in me tuo. 5. qui has the ense of Italis. 6. te Illi seruari quam mini impendi that ou hould reserve our is for his salie rather than a it down or mine, bygrievincto deatim for the constr. cf. Medea 89 ni exti tuli l nisi fratris aritis os gnoque impenes tibi. 8. patrem cogita: cf. Pol b. Plin quot ed o P. I l. 3. nepotes et Sen. IS a nepos, MarCus a pronepos, o Helvius. 9. unica: ut a soror o Helvia' filis the ex chapter evenis he was a clauilliter o Helvius by his second wise, the phras is stranget used POSSibi soror is sed for cousin, though, in that case, it is odii that heriusband shout be auunctitas of Sen. consummatio, the completion ' CL Paul. 14 3.1o. feliciter, in spite oscit position, Dalis es acta : se n. to Paul. Ioa 6.
i8. in mea personam in me, in mycase his se is common in Sen. cf. Diat vi I, 2 non St i uotum, qualem te in stersona
in aliorum persona Val. Max. iv I, o ne eg o in tua persona henyo arein triat et accuSatoris et testis et iudicissaries Wisse uidear. non tantum pro te, i. e. sed etiam pro se not pro me). I9. manibus . . . PeTlatu : the word sho v that Sen. was a child in arm o litile more, hen he wasirought Dona Corduba to Rome Lucan also or a Corduba, ad the Same experience octar ruumensem pus omam translatrι est Lme attributed o Vacca .eto nutricio iur Sing ' a rare equivalent orirιIricatrii 'rit trimento it is sed so the effectis the west indipon trees by liny t. Hist. viii 337 nutricium exercebiti.
Regem Sen osten mentions his ea health in his Letters, hi chwere rit ten late in lis : e says that he had experienced ever kindos ad health Era. 5 , 1 in particula he mentions asthma ibid. ;sainting- sits 77, 9 in chroni catarrh, hicli made in anxiou toput an endri his life 78. ii an sever Io Metaphor and similes frona medicine abound in his ritin S.
by Agrippina' influence aster his resto ration in A. D. Tac Anu. Xi 8, 3); it is no known that eventuali he held the consul ship, but he was usiectus, no ordinarius, o that his nam does notappea in the fasti se n. to Paul. I). gratiam : for the troutile alien in suppor o candidates sorOffice, se n. to Paul. 7 4. 22. elarae Salutationis, o a Ioud reetin her et iring
character ad ad her spea low on such occasion S the adj. belong to Sermonis as etl. 23. Pro me ulcit indulgentia uerecundiam helphe, herilove
go the eiter of her hyness' considering Polyb. herem I entia is personi fied, and the forna of the sentenc in hicli clementia is personi hed Polib. I g et I ake indulgentia here asnom. Iad uerecundiam S antecedent to the relative clause is abl., it ould sui the gramma a well. 2 25. OdeStia rustiea 'his m modestia, quae, cum tanta Sit
a. hoc est hecis' the subjec is attracted to the enderos the predicate. 29. quantum potes cf. Postb. 8 Det.
. comitem P a there is no question of their go in anywhere together, sociana o participem Oulctrae more normal. q. si noui m quia noui i. e. knowinthe wisdom, nam Sureshe willio et c. the phrase is common cf. EN I 8 3 si te bene noui, arbitri partibus uncitis esses mari. v 6, 18M noui omintim nouem sororum, ultro purpuretim petet libellum simila phrase, LEN. 79 7 aut ego te non noti aut Aetna tibi saliuam mouet mali esyΟur Outh ater i. e. tenapis oum a Sullaec to rite a Poem Onj.
perfectissimae feminae so perfecti uiri, Pol b. a 3. 5. ibi Profuturo superuacis of 64 7. 7. Spectator fui it oes no necessarii 3 solio that Sen. waSon board the sh ip with her: e may oni impi that he had me her niter lancling. The circumstances are notistherwis known ut it ispo sibi that he hvsband ted on his a home frona gypt Itha been suppoSed homo his passage that Sen. ha been in Egyptwith his uncteri ut it cloes no prove his an his langvage et Se-where a in his discussion of the Nile' rising δε at. Quaest. vj,
brother, cannot denote the hvsband of a mother' sister HeSupposes that this man was uncte os Helvia an great-uncte os Seneca, and that Helvius a marrie three times i to themother of the anonymous heroine : et to Helvia' mother a tolli nouerca et D in I so the annucullis here is identicat illi theaursaculus D D . II. euerit, irought ali the way. How serious was the disaster implied by naufrago, ne cannot teli se n. t exarmata Ido Ot remember an recordei instanc os Roman burying theirdeat at ea; et sui et the mus have done So. For a deati, at sea, cf. Plin Epp. V l. 3. 5. multarum-iacent the wor is perhap by accident, revery nea malain a verse they might come, lighil altered, Dominplay s. Plaut. Cast. 65 ut saepe summa ingenia in octili latent the woridanows litile oscit greates men j. I et si bule- antiquitas, ' had he had the good fortune olive in a past age heia men ere stanti in admiration o great deed ' 'hereas the present age is cynic and has litile enthusiasm. I ingenioruanis scriptortim s. Paul. 34 I.
i5. inbecillitatis, of her se X. 16. caput-Obiecit a plece of rhetori i a torna came onwhen her hasband was lyin dead n board sh di no deserveprais for that sh might weli deserve Pity. Gert inseris uiri aster sepultura it seems ante to balance suum, an could asit have fallen ut aster tira. 18. quae se dedit Alcesti of the Latin poets, at least Ovid,
Statius, Martial Juvenal, and Seneca iniseis Medea 666 prat se
AlceSti S. I9. hoc is Q hink, nominative. Here again there S Ome Sophisti , ecause Alcestis face certain death an Seneca's auiatdid not the periculum a not GV. G. I. post hoc nemo miretur the mss. give miratur; ut the subjunctive is the natural ood here, a the virtve of SO C- serve iis ady anno have been a matter o genera knOWledge. Sen. mean et non be sui pri sed, hen Ioel them that ...' forSimila Phrases CL Pol b. I nemo itaque fost hoc miretur ibis II Det prorsus non mireris Esp. IO8, 29 non est quoiu mireriS Plin Nat Hist. XX I nemo mire t r. Eo post hoc, cf. Epp. 78, 9uis in post hoc dolorem deridere 22. Aegotum ... OPtinuit: cf. ac Hist imi e plum iam in is a tuo Au usto equi es Romani obtinent loco Gum thi S ΟVernorShi Was ne of the hie post ope to equites It is remari able that the nam os his mali, though he held the ossicem so long is uni nown : ipsius argue sor Vitrasius Pollio, hodie incia A. D. Sen. mentions ne albillus, a governo Os Egypt, an calis him uirorum optim tis, and possibi this a b his uncte. The absenc os date mal es dentification impossibie. 2 . domum suam the omission of the preposition is normal so Homicitiae, at he house.'petiit, ei ther o hersei or o sonae petitione : many case arerecorde in hicli a governor' wise ook ribes an sol her hus baiad' decisions cf. Juv. , a Si tibi Saracla cohors comitum, si nemo tribunal l uendit acersecomes minion , si nulltim in coniure crimen, nec per conuentu et tincta se oppida crιruis j v ltibus
ire parat nummos raptura Celaeno. 25. loquax has the sense os dicax, saucy. '27. culpam, Moraliuili.'
28. Sanctitatis. Vos lamelessiaess': cf. Plin Pauer 83 to Trajan tibi timor in decus et soriam cedit quid enim illa sanctius quiae auri iιius Par o sanctitas is abstinensia, the opposite sauaritia.
7. non ambitio, non auaritia, meither ovem po werior loveo money' so the alter, cf. Juv. quote above. comites et pestes, ,hicli always ait onlowe and pre on it.'9. Xarmata, Misabled ' a the armamenta os a hi includem astS, Satis, and opes, the amount of dam age in his case is un- certain, ut is, probably, no understat ed. spectantem inould mean that he was watching the hi go do vn ut probabi expectantem Ouid describe the sit uation
more accurately. II. inde m e naui.
1. 8. non quia ... Sunt Cicero ex Presse a rejected reason by
different account of himself to Polybius, Poly b. and 84 9
27. tune hould probab lyrae tum copyi Sis preser the former, ut the eviderice malae it probable that tunc a neve used in enumeration, illi the SenSe of nexi': hi sense elong to Iram. Seemotas man on Manil ii 2I3 tunc, cuius ornetae in enumeran fopositae nullum exemplum metro tutum sudfoems Latinos resperi': so that iis se in prose also musti doubtil. quidquid rinter caelum terrasque interiacet, aer, the olly
bet ween the arth and the oon, here tornas age; bove it is aether the undisturbe elementis the star and the god with this description o aer, comp. that of Ovid et i 5 of the Creator illit i. e. in aere et nebulas, illic consistere nubes t iussit, et humanas motura tonitrua mentes, i et cum fulminibus facientes fri ora uentos. l. 67 haec super inposuit liquidum et grauitate carentem l aethera,
nec quicquam terrenae faecis habentem. 8. hoc, this, i .e Dear US. 29. nimborum pluuiae.
1. tumultuOSum Spatium : cf. Diat i 1 3 here aer is calle l
tum se finalty. et ad summa Perrumpit: s. Diat. v 6 par superior mundi et ordinatior ac propinqua sideribus nec in nubem cogitur nec intempestatem impellisur nec uersatur in turbinem omni tumultu caret inferioratu inantur.3 diuinorum, o divine things': by many os the Stoic thegod were identi fiet with the tars. . alii 'moves Deely, the regula mean in Os the verbri sothe oui releaSed by death, is sal l libere arari Polyb. 9 8 and currere Dial. V 25, IJ. s. omnibus saeculis is stranget place M it elongs, o tona fit ut o futurum est the oui hein immortal, a acces toal event both os ast an future time: cf. Paul. I g 5.