장음표시 사용
and Did the rit assesament, hal by pay in an annua AS- seMment os te do ars have the ri hi torio out Book in thesam manne a the Proprie tors et provided however, that this right shali eatae pon initure t pay this annua assessment, and thatio person halliave a right tori elut an Book illati assesinent an other dues Areaaid. II. An person entille tori eiu Book unde the Iastaritiae, mantiaVe, at Any one time three Volumes. III. Books may be kept ut of the librata ne calendar month, and n longer, an every person hallae subjected to fine os ment cents a Wee sor ver volume retaine die-yond that time. IV. very book shallae returne in good order, regard Ming had to the necessar mea os the oo R, With good usa e . d is an book shalli tostis injured the person to homit standa charged shael replace ita a new volume o set, is it helonge to a set, o panthe current rice of the volume orset to the librariam: and therum n, in remainde os the et, ii the volum heton to a set, hallo deli vere to the personso payiniso the fame . V. H books halli returne to the librar sor examinationis the secon Gednesda os Ma annually, and re mainone sorinight. An e Ter person then having one or more Molis an neglectin is retum the fame, as herein required, shali sorsei andia a fine sine ollar. VI. When a ritte request sha liae lest,ith the librariansor a particular book then ut it hali e the dut of the libraria to retain the Same so the personaequeStiniit, sorine danaster it hallae firs retumed. VII. The libraria mill attendoso the delivery an re- tum os Boolas, Domi a illum o 'cloc every day, undaygeXcepte d. VIII. The Tmstees may on specia occasions permit any person torus the Books helongin to the Athenaeum, under suc restrictions a therma thin prope to impose. IX. Uery rare or Cosu Books, hic cannot eas ityi re- placed are notrioae alien sto the Athenmum, excepi by avole os the rustees; and the ne periodica Publications andine ne Work importe Dominurope, hali he withheld stomcirculation, o Ion a the rugiees may deem expedient. N. B. Ergon sendinet sor Boolis are equestexto malae atin ille orde so them, and mar incit the number os the hel fand the frat ord os the tities a the stan in the printescatalogue.