Disputatio pathologica de arteriae carotidis aneurismate quam ... eruditorum examini subjicit Jacobus Vose ..

발행: 1809년

분량: 143페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류





separated frona the surroundin paris. The man died in ten V after his indupo inspecting the paris I found the aneu- risin siluateffunder the pectoralis major, reaCh- in to the clavicte, bout two inches of the second and thir rib absorbed, and the est lun adherent to the chest anil to the aneu-risma Clot. The result of this operation then is that the subclavian neurisna, like the carotid, must be operate on efore it ecomes of great magnitude, ther se in altered positio of the lioulder, and the destructive eL

In the early stage of this diserae, it is myintention to tali therars opportunityi per- forming the operation.


APPENDIX. HI Argumento nunc tandem absoluto, nequeo non confiteri quantum debeo gratiarum eximiis Domino JOANN BEL et Domino CAROL BEL prae illis tabulis ornatis quibus me maxima benignitate donarunt, istam proeparationem repraesentantibuS, quam Summa urbanitate Dominus A. COOPER ad id Commodavit. Neque me deceat non grato animo agnovisse rofessoris ΗΟΜso erga me Comitatem, qui mihi usuram praebuerit illius utilissimi operis rosessoris CARPA de Aneurismate, cujus id unicum templar hic loci nunc extat, et qui magna me amicitia dignatus