장음표시 사용
116 The ingdom, Pesest hood, Conquest, Suffering Os Jesus Christ David his type doth sing.
Trust him, and sor his blessin siles again. ii David seriis deliverance Will repan
God 's mighty, the are vanity, Ue knori. 136 Particulat merciesare recorded here,
tenti Oftheseoera Chapters in the ook of
19 Here Magistrates are tutord, Parenis tolli Howet 'orde Sons, Servants are not controird Vith ord alone, hereve Vision falles, Theleopte perim, ignorance prevalles. ῖo Nor rich, nor poor, satili Agur a meane 's best, The Catharist tote pure in vain contest, Foure thingsunsatiabie, fotue notMellanown, Foureor cubi th arth, mi cure the wisdomeli
lenis of the severa Chap- ters in the Look of
tua lovere, their laves, heir fallingsout, the reneWings of their loves, here rue have Warre, peace, hope, stare, parting re- turning alythings, as in love. Aere thema retino things. I. A Relationis their betroth. ing. 2. A demand of martiage.