장음표시 사용
II. Os Monarchy, in the Monarchy of Saul. Se his Ancestor and Posteri ty, chap. s. his destruction, cbap. IC David, and that both In the egi nning of his ingdom, where Ke have his obtaining ostheΚingdom, by the et os Cap
I a. and his bringinglome of the
In the increasse of his ingdom; through his
stines, chap. q. In the Administratio of his ingdome; and that either Ecclesiastical in respectra Tabernacleand Temple, as lacing of the Arhein the Tabernacle, hap. II. Ordaining Minister for the Tabernacle, ehap. 6 his purpos to bulld a Temple, bicli et Nas revented,cb. I T. Politich both in respectis Warre, an soae overned parilywellandrightly as in his vi Aories against Philista, Moab , Zobab, chap. 18 The Ammonises; here a Ne
Peace, in resperi both of Church; here rue have the matte and workmen or bulldingi a Temple, chap. a. the Levites and Ministers thei families, hap. 23. and Orders, foris me ere Minister of the Priests,
The selling of the Military, popular,
domestica estate, chap. 27. The appotnting of Solomon or his heir. Se his Person and Ossice chap. 28. an dio hecis confirmed by his ather exhorti nihim, and theseo pie praying and consentingi
Aia. II viii 11 David in Hebron is created King, O that, and his stoiit men the te t doth sing. ir At Zic lin, and at Iicbron, Armies came To do thei service in K in David name. 13 He fetches th'Ar iroin f iriathuearim,
I Hanun and th'Ammonites, e mahes repent
Da id prevatis, anon hesdoth adusse. Repenis, Ire plague is stat di sacrifice,
Logico theologica Analysis, of the secondBcok of
3 Shahen again by the hypocrites, e
in the secondiook of CHRONICLES.
Andio destruction, thoughio spoile, prevenis, At ast he dies, amidst his discontenis. 3 His Son Abdab doth maintain the figlit,' 'Gainst geroboam and putii in test talit, His numerous ost-spring gro Vs up Ivlali his miolit. 14 sub succeed chim, pulls the idol suo via, In Halcion daydsie forti fies his Crorum,
is sub Hith God a solemn foede doth malici
THe Book of Edra contain the re turn lof the eo ple Dom Babylon, and thecauses thereos Effcient, both instrumenta , as Ormwhoma de the Proclamation, p. I. and