장음표시 사용
Logico- theologica Analysis, of the Episile ofS . Paul to the
m His Epistie to the Philiptitans, containes I. An exhqrtation to Progresse and Constancy, meruing whom the stould Folloin that is, Himself, and his patience in bonds,
tent Ofthe severat Chapterstitia Epistis of S .
THis Epistidito the Colossians Ontaines I. ATreati se part lyDoctrinal, here he Te ache,
Teaches that e must rust in Christ
Streames Oscit, that is, divers d ties, chap. 3. Specially,offlam proper and personalduties. l. A Conclusion, hicli exhoris, commends, salutes, and command s, con-
A hori Analysis, of the first Episti of
mihi Epist te, after a Salutation heCommendς them for that in the timeo tribulation ther received the Gospel, cha l. retainedit, hap. 2. Where hespeah of His OK entrance among them, and Conversation ruith them. id bei Conversio bylim, and Confirmationi Timotis, chap. 3. Admonimes them concerning
Containing the κεφαλαια, or Cootenis
os thesevera Chapterj iis thesis Epissis of st Paul to the
rme lairly quiis himselfio them, commetas His followers, once and again inteias To see them,butal Devis doth crosse his ends. By sending to them he his love declares, J es in thei Neale,sor themio prayers spares. Love. pietV,moderate serroriare here prest, The mode of Christklast comingas consest. And here again enlarg'd, duties good store, Hellesses gainst that day, and sales no more.
INiliis Epistleaster a Salutation solloKes
a Treatisse Prophetical, concerning the comingmos Christ, chap. L Antichristi chap. 2. Doctrinal, teachin horueto carry
A. hor Analysis of the first Epist leo St. Paul to
Persens, where there are Precepis Ecclesiasticat, concerning thos that
A POEMEcontaining the κε αλαα, or Comenis
Amor Analysis of the secondi pistie
Confirmes Timoth against eviis Present, Wheteie exhoris to constanc in The
stior Analysis of the Epist le
lmope of his belle service so the suture, to them both, Ner. II. As The perpetuat benefit of his falling,
Christianity ver. 7. Satisfactionsor his tres passes madeto Philemo by SP. Paul ver. 8.Philemon read inesse to overdo, ver a P.
x Aut reces philemon here to entertain Onesimus his servant ereWhile aine, Butio returned by the Spirit again.