장음표시 사용
SAin James in iliis Episti te aches horu
Aciliores Analysis of the fit si Epime of Saint
of the severa Chaptera in the finIEpissis of Sint
ssior Analysis of the se- con Episti of St.
Q Aint eu admonimes in his Epistieωhat the bellex in Iews mallDO, that is, persevere in the doctrine
Containing the κεφαλαια, or Contenis
ST. 3οθη instruct a Ladyto iobe Constant tili death, and Pseudapostles flee.
personab viciOusnesse, ver. q.
rite Apostate Angeis, P. 6. Sodom and comorrha
Damnable doctrines Condemning Magistrac , whicli thesdo more speakevit os and alle against, then Michael the Arch-an- geldurst do against the d
Speaking evi of things sorthei mysteriousnesse and
profundity, ver Io. Consormit to An Balaam,
Scandalousnesse and offensive. nesse to the Churchis God,
Foreteistheir destruction by the Auth rityofanora, Prophecy ver. 14. Se condeLwith another description ofthesemen, veri I 6. Exhoris them, Remember the an Predictions concerning these men, ver I 7. Praye and mutua edification and confirmation, ver 2O,ar 22. Cautionand Circumspection againstallincleannesse, ver 23. Commend them inConclusion to the grace and preservationis God . 23,2I.
Adesdoth soretet salse eachers, and their fall, And of thei fiat aniteachine roressarnes all.
Adhor Analysis of the Apocalypse of St.
Description of the ChurchMilitant, and that both Briesy, ch. D. Largely, where Ne have iis I. Rise, fio the rst year of Christio