장음표시 사용
THe Book of Teuteronom containes
ferredipon them by Moses The Constitutionis the
In generat, a their aD sin by the domites,
Univeriat, ascit is contained in the Decalogue, Whicli is repeated chap. I. Particular, hichlandies The Principies of the Decalogue com cerning the love o Cod , hereunto are opposita, I. Asorgetting of God, through abundance of wealth, herethe are taught an ari os memory, chap. 6 a. A Civi and Conjugal Societ'with the wiched iap. 7. . in gratitude through thes Oblivion of
Time, considere1eithe Politichly, as the sevenit, yeeres Priviledges, chap. II. Dr Ecclesiasticatly as the solemn easts, chap. 6. The contain also the state of men, whether Superiours, and those et ther Politich, as the chie Magistrate, ' and the ing, cha'. l7. Or Ecclesiasticat, a Levites and salse Propheis. OrAn Persens What ever, dithe inform-ing of the irascibie appetitive,andiationa partos thes ule.
Hortator r. To the observationis thelaW, stomethe profit of obedience, and the disprosit os dis obedience, in respectoos blening and curses, generali pronounced, and particulari instanced, chap. 28. From the honest and ustice of obedience, ecause of the Covenant the made in Horeb, hap. 29. a Torepentance, ali iretences iein i e-
Song, hap. 32. and the Bene'. diction of the tribes. hap. 33, Consequenis, et te.His Buriat, Obsequies, and Successour, G.3q.
containing the κεφάλαια, o Cou-tents of the severa Chap tersinthe Look of
The Blesierkon Mount Geritim must stand, Curi eis onabes by divine command . 18 Particula blestings for thegood reserv'd, Anysor thesbad the plagues the have deser*'d.
33 Gods Majesty theblessing of the tribes, Vithahraeis glor Moses here describes. 3 ENOses istes, dies, is bury'd God knoΛs, here, His Age, and Funerat, Mourning conclude here.
osiosua. I. His life , viet the thing that he dilboth in Warre, and in Peace. In Warre, Iuliere are considerable vocation, and calling to the Go- vernnient, C λ. I. Preparation, by the sendingos the
Spies, hap. Q. assage iverior an, chap. 3. and the restoring of Circumcision, chap. 6, and the PasseOVer, hap. S. Administration, reported by particular against yericho, chap. 6. and 7. At, chap. . Gibeonites, hap. 9. Amorites char IO. and the est of the Canaamtes, Cha8.
Logico- theologida Analysis, of the Book of
of the land of Canaan, here is tobe considered, What were the limit and boundsof the Division, hap. IS.